""":module: watchdog.utils.patterns :synopsis: Common wildcard searching/filtering functionality for files. :author: boris.staletic@gmail.com (Boris Staletic) :author: yesudeep@gmail.com (Yesudeep Mangalapilly) :author: contact@tiger-222.fr (Mickaƫl Schoentgen) """ from __future__ import annotations # Non-pure path objects are only allowed on their respective OS's. # Thus, these utilities require "pure" path objects that don't access the filesystem. # Since pathlib doesn't have a `case_sensitive` parameter, we have to approximate it # by converting input paths to `PureWindowsPath` and `PurePosixPath` where: # - `PureWindowsPath` is always case-insensitive. # - `PurePosixPath` is always case-sensitive. # Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath.match from pathlib import PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Iterator def _match_path( raw_path: str, included_patterns: set[str], excluded_patterns: set[str], *, case_sensitive: bool, ) -> bool: """Internal function same as :func:`match_path` but does not check arguments.""" path: PurePosixPath | PureWindowsPath if case_sensitive: path = PurePosixPath(raw_path) else: included_patterns = {pattern.lower() for pattern in included_patterns} excluded_patterns = {pattern.lower() for pattern in excluded_patterns} path = PureWindowsPath(raw_path) common_patterns = included_patterns & excluded_patterns if common_patterns: error = f"conflicting patterns `{common_patterns}` included and excluded" raise ValueError(error) return any(path.match(p) for p in included_patterns) and not any(path.match(p) for p in excluded_patterns) def filter_paths( paths: list[str], *, included_patterns: list[str] | None = None, excluded_patterns: list[str] | None = None, case_sensitive: bool = True, ) -> Iterator[str]: """Filters from a set of paths based on acceptable patterns and ignorable patterns. :param paths: A list of path names that will be filtered based on matching and ignored patterns. :param included_patterns: Allow filenames matching wildcard patterns specified in this list. If no pattern list is specified, ["*"] is used as the default pattern, which matches all files. :param excluded_patterns: Ignores filenames matching wildcard patterns specified in this list. If no pattern list is specified, no files are ignored. :param case_sensitive: ``True`` if matching should be case-sensitive; ``False`` otherwise. :returns: A list of pathnames that matched the allowable patterns and passed through the ignored patterns. """ included = set(["*"] if included_patterns is None else included_patterns) excluded = set([] if excluded_patterns is None else excluded_patterns) for path in paths: if _match_path(path, included, excluded, case_sensitive=case_sensitive): yield path def match_any_paths( paths: list[str], *, included_patterns: list[str] | None = None, excluded_patterns: list[str] | None = None, case_sensitive: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Matches from a set of paths based on acceptable patterns and ignorable patterns. See ``filter_paths()`` for signature details. """ return any( filter_paths( paths, included_patterns=included_patterns, excluded_patterns=excluded_patterns, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, ), )