""" Highlight. A library for managing code highlighting. All Changes Copyright 2014-2017 Isaac Muse. --- CodeHilite Extension for Python-Markdown ======================================== Adds code/syntax highlighting to standard Python-Markdown code blocks. See for documentation. Original code Copyright 2006-2008 [Waylan Limberg](http://achinghead.com/). All changes Copyright 2008-2014 The Python Markdown Project License: [BSD](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) """ import re from markdown import Extension from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import copy from collections import OrderedDict try: from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer from pygments.formatters import find_formatter_class from pygments import __version__ as pygments_ver p_ver = tuple([int(n) for n in pygments_ver.split('.')[:2]]) HtmlFormatter = find_formatter_class('html') pygments = True except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pygments = False p_ver = (0, 0) RE_PYG_CODE = re.compile(r'^<(div)(\s*class="(.*?)")?\s*>') CODE_WRAP = '{}' CODE_WRAP_ON_PRE = '{}' CLASS_ATTR = ' class="{}"' ID_ATTR = ' id="{}"' DEFAULT_CONFIG = { 'use_pygments': [ True, 'Use Pygments to highlight code blocks. ' 'Disable if using a JavaScript library. ' 'Default: True' ], 'guess_lang': [ 0, "Automatic language detection - Default: False" ], 'css_class': [ 'highlight', "CSS class to apply to wrapper element." ], 'pygments_style': [ 'default', 'Pygments HTML Formatter Style ' '(color scheme) - Default: default' ], 'noclasses': [ False, 'Use inline styles instead of CSS classes - ' 'Default false' ], 'linenums': [ None, 'Display line numbers in block code output (not inline) - Default: False' ], 'linenums_style': [ 'table', 'Line number style -Default: "table"' ], 'linenums_special': [ -1, 'Globally make nth line special - Default: -1' ], 'linenums_class': [ "linenums", "Control the linenums class name when not using Pygments - Default: 'linenums'" ], 'extend_pygments_lang': [ [], 'Extend pygments language with special language entry - Default: []' ], 'language_prefix': [ 'language-', 'Controls the language prefix for non-Pygments code blocks. - Defaults: "language-"' ], 'code_attr_on_pre': [ False, "Attach attribute list values on pre element instead of code element - Default: False" ], 'auto_title': [ False, 'Inject the lexer name as the title for block code - Defaults: False' ], 'auto_title_map': [ {}, 'User defined mapping of overrides for "auto_title" - Defaults: {}' ], 'line_spans': [ '', 'If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will wrap each output line ' 'in a span tag with an id of foo--. . - Defaults: ""' ], 'anchor_linenums': [ False, 'If set to True, will wrap line numbers in tags. Used in combination with linenums and line_anchors.' ' - Defaults: False' ], 'line_anchors': [ '', 'If set to a nonempty string, e.g. foo, the formatter will wrap each output line in an anchor tag with' ' an id (and name) of foo--. - Defaults: ""' ], 'pygments_lang_class': [ False, 'If set to True, the language name used will be included as a class attached to the element. - Defaults: False' ], 'stripnl': [ True, 'Strips leading and trailing newlines from code blocks. This is Pygments default behavior. Setting this to ' 'False disables this and will retain leading and trailing newlines. This has no affect on inline code. ' '- Defaults: True' ], 'default_lang': [ '', 'The assumed highlight language of a code block when no language is set. - Default text' ], '_enabled': [ True, 'Used internally to communicate if extension has been explicitly enabled - Default: False' ] } if pygments: class InlineHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): """Format the code blocks.""" def _wrap_div(self, inner): """Do not wrap with `div`.""" yield from inner def wrap(self, source): """Overload wrap.""" return self._wrap_code(source) def _wrap_code(self, source): """Return source, but do not wrap in inline block.""" yield 0, '' for i, t in source: yield i, t.strip() yield 0, '' class BlockHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): """Adds ability to output line numbers in a new way.""" # Capture ` 1 ` RE_SPAN_NUMS = re.compile(r'(]*?)(class="[^"]*\blinenos?\b[^"]*)"([^>]*)>([^<]+)()') # Capture `
` that is not followed by ``
        RE_TABLE_NUMS = re.compile(r'(]*>)(?!)')

        def __init__(self, **options):

            self.pymdownx_inline = options.get('linenos', False) == 'pymdownx-inline'
            if self.pymdownx_inline:
                options['linenos'] = 'inline'
            HtmlFormatter.__init__(self, **options)

        def _format_custom_line(self, m):
            """Format the custom line number."""

            # We've broken up the match in such a way that we not only
            # move the line number value to `data-linenos`, but we could
            # wrap the gutter number in the future with a highlight class.
            # The decision to do this has still not be made.

            lnum = m.group(4) if not m.group(4).rstrip() else m.group(4)

            return (
                m.group(1) +
                m.group(2) +
                '"' +
                m.group(3) +
                ' data-linenos="' + lnum + ' ">' +

        def _wrap_customlinenums(self, inner):
            Wrapper to handle block inline line numbers.

            For our special inline version, don't display line numbers via `  1`,
            but include as `` and use CSS to display them:
            `[data-linenos]:before {content: attr(data-linenos);}`.  This allows us to use
            inline and copy and paste without issue.

            for t, line in inner:
                if t:
                    line = self.RE_SPAN_NUMS.sub(self._format_custom_line, line)
                yield t, line

        def wrap(self, source):
            """Wrap the source code."""

            if self.linenos == 2 and self.pymdownx_inline:
                source = self._wrap_customlinenums(source)
            return HtmlFormatter.wrap(self, source)

        def _wrap_tablelinenos(self, inner):
            Wrapper to handle line numbers better in table.

            Pygments currently has a bug with line step where leading blank lines collapse.
            Use the same fix Pygments uses for code content for code line numbers.
            This fix should be pull requested on the Pygments repository.

            for t, line in HtmlFormatter._wrap_tablelinenos(self, inner):
                yield t, self.RE_TABLE_NUMS.sub(r'\1', line)

class Highlight:
    """Highlight class."""

    def __init__(
        self, guess_lang=False, pygments_style='default', use_pygments=True,
        noclasses=False, extend_pygments_lang=None, linenums=None, linenums_special=-1,
        linenums_style='table', linenums_class='linenums', language_prefix='language-',
        code_attr_on_pre=False, auto_title=False, auto_title_map=None, line_spans='',
        anchor_linenums=False, line_anchors='', pygments_lang_class=False, stripnl=True,

        self.guess_lang = guess_lang
        self.pygments_style = pygments_style
        self.use_pygments = use_pygments
        self.noclasses = noclasses
        self.linenums = linenums
        self.linenums_style = linenums_style
        self.linenums_special = linenums_special
        self.linenums_class = linenums_class
        self.language_prefix = language_prefix
        self.code_attr_on_pre = code_attr_on_pre
        self.auto_title = auto_title
        self.line_spans = line_spans
        self.line_anchors = line_anchors
        self.anchor_linenums = anchor_linenums
        self.pygments_lang_class = pygments_lang_class
        self.stripnl = stripnl
        self.default_lang = default_lang

        if self.anchor_linenums and not self.line_anchors:
            self.line_anchors = '__codelineno'

        if auto_title_map is None:
            auto_title_map = {}
        self.auto_title_map = auto_title_map

        if extend_pygments_lang is None:  # pragma: no cover
            extend_pygments_lang = []
        self.extend_pygments_lang = {}
        for language in extend_pygments_lang:
            if isinstance(language, (dict, OrderedDict)):
                name = language.get('name')
                if name is not None and name not in self.extend_pygments_lang:
                    self.extend_pygments_lang[name.lower()] = [
                        language.get('options', {})

    def get_extended_language(self, language):
        """Get extended language."""

        return self.extend_pygments_lang.get(language.lower(), (language, {}))

    def get_lexer(self, src, language, inline, stripnl):
        """Get the Pygments lexer."""

        name = language

        lexer_options = {'stripnl': stripnl}
        if language:
            language, options = self.get_extended_language(language)

        # Try and get lexer by the name given.
            lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, **lexer_options)
        except Exception:
            lexer = None

        if lexer is None:
            if (self.guess_lang is True) or (self.guess_lang == 'inline' if inline else self.guess_lang == 'block'):
                    lexer = guess_lexer(src, **lexer_options)
                    name = lexer.aliases[0]
                except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
        if lexer is None:
            lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.default_lang or 'text', **lexer_options)
            name = lexer.aliases[0]
        return lexer, name

    def escape(self, txt):
        """Basic HTML escaping."""

        txt = txt.replace('&', '&')
        txt = txt.replace('<', '<')
        txt = txt.replace('>', '>')
        return txt

    def highlight(
        self, src, language, css_class='highlight', hl_lines=None,
        linestart=-1, linestep=-1, linespecial=-1, inline=False, classes=None, id_value='', attrs=None,
        title=None, code_block_count=0
        """Highlight code."""

        if attrs is None:
            attrs = {}
        class_names = classes[:] if classes else []
        linenums_enabled = (
            (self.linenums and linestart != 0) or
            (self.linenums is not False and linestart > 0)
        ) and not inline > 0
        class_str = ''

        if not language and self.default_lang:
            language = self.default_lang

        # Convert with Pygments.
        if pygments and self.use_pygments:

            if p_ver < (2, 12):  # pragma: no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Pymdownx Highlight requires at least Pygments 2.12+ if enabling Pygments')

            if inline:
                stripnl = True
                stripnl = self.stripnl

            # Setup language lexer.
            lexer, lang_name = self.get_lexer(src, language, inline, stripnl)
            if self.pygments_lang_class:
                class_names.insert(0, self.language_prefix + lang_name)
            linenums = self.linenums_style if linenums_enabled else False

            if class_names:
                if inline:
                    css_class = ' {}'.format('' if not css_class else css_class)
                    css_class = ' '.join(class_names) + css_class
                    stripped = css_class.strip()
                    css_class = stripped

            id_str = ID_ATTR.format(id_value) if id_value else ''

            lineno_id = id_value if id_value else str(code_block_count)

            if not attrs:
                attr_str = ''
                temp = []
                for k, v in attrs.items():
                    if k.startswith('data-'):
                attr_str = ' ' + ' '.join(temp) if temp else ''

            # Setup line specific settings.
            if not linenums or linestep < 1:
                linestep = 1
            if not linenums or linestart < 1:
                linestart = 1
            if self.linenums_special >= 0 and linespecial < 0:
                linespecial = self.linenums_special
            if not linenums or linespecial < 0:
                linespecial = 0
            if hl_lines is None or inline:
                hl_lines = []

            if title is None and self.auto_title:
                name = " ".join([w.title() if w.islower() else w for w in lexer.name.split()])
                title = self.auto_title_map.get(name, name)
            if title:
                title = title.strip()

            # Setup formatter
            html_formatter = InlineHtmlFormatter if inline else BlockHtmlFormatter
            formatter = html_formatter(
                filename=title if not inline else "",
                linespans=f"{self.line_spans}-{lineno_id}" if self.line_spans and not inline else '',
                    f"{self.line_anchors}-{lineno_id}" if self.line_anchors and not inline else ""
                anchorlinenos=self.anchor_linenums if not inline else False

            # Convert
            code = highlight(src, lexer, formatter)
            if inline:
                class_str = css_class
                attr_str = ''
                m = RE_PYG_CODE.match(code)
                if m is not None:
                    end = m.end(0)
                    start = m.start(0)
                    if class_names:
                        if m.group(2):
                            classes = ' class="{} {}"'.format(' '.join(class_names), m.group(3).strip())
                            classes = ' class="{}"'.format(' '.join(class_names))
                        classes = ' ' + m.group(2).lstrip() if m.group(2) else ''

                    code = f'{code[:start]}<{m.group(1)}{id_str}{classes}{attr_str}>{code[end:]}'

        elif inline:
            # Format inline code for a JavaScript Syntax Highlighter by specifying language.
            code = self.escape(src)
            if css_class:
                class_names.insert(0, css_class)
            if language:
                class_names.insert(0, self.language_prefix + language)
            class_str = ' '.join(class_names) if class_names else ''
            id_str = id_value
            # Format block code for a JavaScript Syntax Highlighter by specifying language.
            if self.code_attr_on_pre and css_class:
                class_names.insert(0, css_class)
            if language:
                class_names.insert(0, self.language_prefix + language)
            class_str = CLASS_ATTR.format(' '.join(class_names)) if class_names else ''
            id_str = ID_ATTR.format(id_value) if id_value else ''
            attr_str = ' ' + ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k, v in attrs.items()) if attrs else ''
            if not self.code_attr_on_pre:
                highlight_class = (CLASS_ATTR.format(css_class)) if css_class else ''
                code = CODE_WRAP.format(highlight_class, id_str, class_str, attr_str, self.escape(src))
                code = CODE_WRAP_ON_PRE.format(id_str, class_str, attr_str, self.escape(src))

        if inline:
            attributes = {}

            if class_str:
                attributes['class'] = class_str

            # This code exists for consistency, but we currently don't
            # ever feed extra ids or attributes for inline code.
            # We let `attr_list` handle this directly, but if we did
            # need this, we would then want to exercise this logic.
            if id_str:  # pragma: no cover
                attributes['id'] = id_str
            for k, v in attrs:  # pragma: no cover
                attributes[k] = v  # noqa: PERF403

            el = etree.Element('code', attributes)
            el.text = code
            return el
            return code.strip()

class HighlightTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
    """Highlight source code in code blocks."""

    def __init__(self, md, ext):

        self.ext = ext

    def code_unescape(self, text):
        """Unescape code."""
        text = text.replace("<", "<")
        text = text.replace(">", ">")
        text = text.replace("&", "&")
        return text

    def run(self, root):
        """Find code blocks and store in `htmlStash`."""

        blocks = root.iter('pre')
        for block in blocks:
            if len(block) == 1 and block[0].tag == 'code':

                self.ext.pygments_code_block += 1
                code = Highlight(
                placeholder = self.md.htmlStash.store(

                # Clear code block in `etree` instance
                # Change to `p` element which will later
                # be removed when inserting raw HTML
                block.tag = 'p'
                block.text = placeholder

class HighlightExtension(Extension):
    """Configure highlight settings globally."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.config = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_pymdownx_highlight_settings(self):
        """Get the specified extension."""

        target = None

        if self.enabled:
            target = self.getConfigs()

        if target is None:
            target = {}
            config_clone = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
            for k in config_clone.keys():
                target[k] = config_clone[k][0]

        return target

    def get_pymdownx_highlighter(self):
        """Get the highlighter."""

        return Highlight

    def extendMarkdown(self, md):
        """Add support for code highlighting."""

        config = self.getConfigs()
        self.pygments_code_block = -1
        self.md = md
        self.enabled = config.get("_enabled", False)

        if self.enabled:
            ht = HighlightTreeprocessor(self.md, self)
            ht.config = self.getConfigs()
            self.md.treeprocessors.register(ht, "indent-highlight", 30)

        index = 0
        register = None
        for ext in self.md.registeredExtensions:
            if isinstance(ext, HighlightExtension):
                register = not ext.enabled and self.enabled

        if register is None:
            register = True
            index = -1

        if register:
            if index == -1:
                self.md.registeredExtensions[index] = self

    def reset(self):

        self.pygments_code_block = -1

def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs):
    """Return extension."""

    return HighlightExtension(*args, **kwargs)