""" Emoji. pymdownx.emoji Emoji extension for EmojiOne's, GitHub's, or Twemoji's gemoji. MIT license. Copyright (c) 2016 - 2017 Isaac Muse Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from markdown import Extension from markdown.inlinepatterns import InlineProcessor from markdown import util as md_util import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import inspect import copy from . import util RE_EMOJI = r'(:[+\-\w]+:)' SUPPORTED_INDEXES = ('emojione', 'gemoji', 'twemoji') UNICODE_VARIATION_SELECTOR_16 = 'fe0f' EMOJIONE_SVG_CDN = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.7/assets/svg/' EMOJIONE_PNG_CDN = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojione/2.2.7/assets/png/' TWEMOJI_SVG_CDN = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jdecked/twemoji@15.0.3/assets/svg/' TWEMOJI_PNG_CDN = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jdecked/twemoji@15.0.3/assets/72x72/' GITHUB_UNICODE_CDN = 'https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/' GITHUB_CDN = 'https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/' NO_TITLE = 'none' LONG_TITLE = 'long' SHORT_TITLE = 'short' VALID_TITLE = (LONG_TITLE, SHORT_TITLE, NO_TITLE) UNICODE_ENTITY = 'html_entity' UNICODE_ALT = ('unicode', UNICODE_ENTITY) LEGACY_ARG_COUNT = 8 MSG_INDEX_WARN = """Using emoji indexes with no arguments is now deprecated. Emoji indexes now take 2 arguments: 'options' and 'md'. Please update your custom index accordingly. """ def add_attributes(options, attributes): """Add additional attributes from options.""" attr = options.get('attributes', {}) if attr: for k, v in attr.items(): attributes[k] = v # Exists for backwards compatibility as this function # was initially spelled incorrectly. add_attriubtes = add_attributes def emojione(options, md): """The EmojiOne index.""" from . import emoji1_db as emoji_map return { "name": emoji_map.name, "emoji": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.emoji), "aliases": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.aliases) } def gemoji(options, md): """The Gemoji index.""" from . import gemoji_db as emoji_map return { "name": emoji_map.name, "emoji": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.emoji), "aliases": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.aliases) } def twemoji(options, md): """The Twemoji index.""" from . import twemoji_db as emoji_map return { "name": emoji_map.name, "emoji": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.emoji), "aliases": copy.deepcopy(emoji_map.aliases) } ################### # Converters ################### def to_png(index, shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, options, md): """Return PNG element.""" if index == 'gemoji': def_image_path = GITHUB_UNICODE_CDN def_non_std_image_path = GITHUB_CDN elif index == 'twemoji': def_image_path = TWEMOJI_PNG_CDN def_non_std_image_path = TWEMOJI_PNG_CDN else: def_image_path = EMOJIONE_PNG_CDN def_non_std_image_path = EMOJIONE_PNG_CDN is_unicode = uc is not None classes = options.get('classes', index) # In general we can use the alias, but github specific images don't have one for each alias. # We can tell we have a github specific if there is no Unicode value. if is_unicode: image_path = options.get('image_path', def_image_path) else: # pragma: no cover image_path = options.get('non_standard_image_path', def_non_std_image_path) src = "{}{}.png".format( image_path, uc if is_unicode else shortname[1:-1] ) attributes = { "class": classes, "alt": alt, "src": src } if title: attributes['title'] = title add_attributes(options, attributes) return etree.Element("img", attributes) def to_svg(index, shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, options, md): """Return SVG element.""" if index == 'twemoji': svg_path = TWEMOJI_SVG_CDN else: svg_path = EMOJIONE_SVG_CDN attributes = { "class": options.get('classes', index), "alt": alt, "src": "{}{}.svg".format( options.get('image_path', svg_path), uc ) } if title: attributes['title'] = title add_attributes(options, attributes) return etree.Element("img", attributes) def to_png_sprite(index, shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, options, md): """Return PNG sprite element.""" attributes = { "class": '%(class)s-%(size)s-%(category)s _%(unicode)s' % { "class": options.get('classes', index), "size": options.get('size', '64'), "category": (category if category else ''), "unicode": uc } } if title: attributes['title'] = title add_attributes(options, attributes) el = etree.Element("span", attributes) el.text = md_util.AtomicString(alt) return el def to_svg_sprite(index, shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, options, md): """ Return SVG sprite element. ``` %(alt)s ``` """ xlink_href = '{}#emoji-{}'.format( options.get('image_path', './../assets/sprites/emojione.sprites.svg'), uc ) svg = etree.Element("svg", {"class": options.get('classes', index)}) desc = etree.SubElement(svg, 'description') desc.text = md_util.AtomicString(alt) etree.SubElement(svg, 'use', {'xlink:href': xlink_href}) return svg def to_alt(index, shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, options, md): """Return html entities.""" return md.htmlStash.store(alt) ################### # Classes ################### class EmojiPattern(InlineProcessor): """Return element of type `tag` with a text attribute of group(2) of an `InlineProcessor`.""" def __init__(self, pattern, config, md): """Initialize.""" InlineProcessor.__init__(self, pattern, md) title = config['title'] alt = config['alt'] self.options = config['options'] self._set_index(config["emoji_index"]) self.unicode_alt = alt in UNICODE_ALT self.encoded_alt = alt == UNICODE_ENTITY self.remove_var_sel = config['remove_variation_selector'] self.title = title if title in VALID_TITLE else NO_TITLE self.generator = config['emoji_generator'] def _set_index(self, index): """Set the index.""" if len(inspect.getfullargspec(index).args): self.emoji_index = index(self.options, self.md) else: util.warn_deprecated(MSG_INDEX_WARN) self.emoji_index = index() def _remove_variation_selector(self, value): """Remove variation selectors.""" return value.replace('-' + UNICODE_VARIATION_SELECTOR_16, '') def _get_unicode_char(self, value): """Get the Unicode char.""" return ''.join([util.get_char(int(c, 16)) for c in value.split('-')]) def _get_unicode(self, emoji): """ Get Unicode and Unicode alt. Unicode: This is the stripped down form of the Unicode, no joining chars and no variation chars. Unicode code points are not always valid. If this is present and there is no 'unicode_alt', Unicode code points can be counted on as valid. For the most part, the returned `uc` should be used to reference image files, or create classes, but for inserting actual Unicode, 'uc_alt' should be used. Unicode Alt: When present, this will always be valid Unicode points. This contains not just the needed characters to identify the Unicode emoji, but the formatting as well. Joining characters and variation characters will be present. If you don't want variation chars, enable the global 'remove_variation_selector' option. """ uc = emoji.get('unicode') uc_alt = emoji.get('unicode_alt', uc) if uc_alt and self.remove_var_sel: uc_alt = self._remove_variation_selector(uc_alt) return uc, uc_alt def _get_title(self, shortname, emoji): """Get the title.""" if self.title == LONG_TITLE: title = emoji['name'] elif self.title == SHORT_TITLE: title = shortname else: title = None return title def _get_alt(self, shortname, uc_alt): """Get alt form.""" if uc_alt is None or not self.unicode_alt: alt = shortname else: alt = self._get_unicode_char(uc_alt) if self.encoded_alt: alt = ''.join( [md_util.AMP_SUBSTITUTE + ('#x%04x;' % util.get_ord(point)) for point in util.get_code_points(alt)] ) return alt def _get_category(self, emoji): """Get the category.""" return emoji.get('category') def handleMatch(self, m, data): """Handle emoji pattern matches.""" el = m.group(1) shortname = self.emoji_index['aliases'].get(el, el) alias = None if shortname == el else el emoji = self.emoji_index['emoji'].get(shortname, None) if emoji: uc, uc_alt = self._get_unicode(emoji) title = self._get_title(el, emoji) alt = self._get_alt(el, uc_alt) category = self._get_category(emoji) el = self.generator( self.emoji_index['name'], shortname, alias, uc, alt, title, category, self.options, self.md ) return el, m.start(0), m.end(0) class EmojiExtension(Extension): """Add emoji extension to Markdown class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize.""" self.config = { 'emoji_index': [ emojione, "Function that returns the desired emoji index. - Default: 'pymdownx.emoji.emojione'" ], 'emoji_generator': [ to_png, "Emoji generator method. - Default: pymdownx.emoji.to_png" ], 'title': [ 'short', "What title to use on images. You can use 'long' which shows the long name, " "'short' which shows the shortname (:short:), or 'none' which shows no title. " "- Default: 'short'" ], 'alt': [ 'unicode', "Control alt form. 'short' sets alt to the shortname (:short:), 'uniocde' sets " "alt to the raw Unicode value, and 'html_entity' sets alt to the HTML entity. " "- Default: 'unicode'" ], 'remove_variation_selector': [ False, "Remove variation selector 16 from unicode. - Default: False" ], 'options': [ {}, "Emoji options see documentation for options for github and emojione." ] } super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def extendMarkdown(self, md): """Add support for emoji.""" config = self.getConfigs() util.escape_chars(md, [':']) md.inlinePatterns.register(EmojiPattern(RE_EMOJI, config, md), "emoji", 75) ################### # Make Available ################### def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs): """Return extension.""" return EmojiExtension(*args, **kwargs)