""" This module provides an object oriented interface for pattern matching of files. """ from collections.abc import ( Collection as CollectionType) from itertools import ( zip_longest) from typing import ( AnyStr, Callable, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Callable` in 3.9. Collection, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Collection` in 3.9. Iterable, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Iterable` in 3.9. Iterator, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Iterator` in 3.9. Optional, # Replaced by `X | None` in 3.10. Type, # Replaced by `type` in 3.9. TypeVar, Union) # Replaced by `X | Y` in 3.10. from . import util from .pattern import ( Pattern) from .util import ( CheckResult, StrPath, TStrPath, TreeEntry, _filter_check_patterns, _is_iterable, normalize_file) Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="PathSpec") """ :class:`PathSpec` self type hint to support Python v<3.11 using PEP 673 recommendation. """ class PathSpec(object): """ The :class:`PathSpec` class is a wrapper around a list of compiled :class:`.Pattern` instances. """ def __init__(self, patterns: Iterable[Pattern]) -> None: """ Initializes the :class:`PathSpec` instance. *patterns* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` or :class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) yields each compiled pattern (:class:`.Pattern`). """ if not isinstance(patterns, CollectionType): patterns = list(patterns) self.patterns: Collection[Pattern] = patterns """ *patterns* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`.Pattern`) contains the compiled patterns. """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Tests the equality of this path-spec with *other* (:class:`PathSpec`) by comparing their :attr:`~PathSpec.patterns` attributes. """ if isinstance(other, PathSpec): paired_patterns = zip_longest(self.patterns, other.patterns) return all(a == b for a, b in paired_patterns) else: return NotImplemented def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of compiled patterns this path-spec contains (:class:`int`). """ return len(self.patterns) def __add__(self: Self, other: "PathSpec") -> Self: """ Combines the :attr:`Pathspec.patterns` patterns from two :class:`PathSpec` instances. """ if isinstance(other, PathSpec): return self.__class__(self.patterns + other.patterns) else: return NotImplemented def __iadd__(self: Self, other: "PathSpec") -> Self: """ Adds the :attr:`Pathspec.patterns` patterns from one :class:`PathSpec` instance to this instance. """ if isinstance(other, PathSpec): self.patterns += other.patterns return self else: return NotImplemented def check_file( self, file: TStrPath, separators: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> CheckResult[TStrPath]: """ Check the files against this path-spec. *file* (:class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) is the file path to be matched against :attr:`self.patterns `. *separators* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`str`; or :data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information. Returns the file check result (:class:`~pathspec.util.CheckResult`). """ norm_file = normalize_file(file, separators) include, index = self._match_file(enumerate(self.patterns), norm_file) return CheckResult(file, include, index) def check_files( self, files: Iterable[TStrPath], separators: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> Iterator[CheckResult[TStrPath]]: """ Check the files against this path-spec. *files* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable` of :class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) contains the file paths to be checked against :attr:`self.patterns `. *separators* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`str`; or :data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information. Returns an :class:`~collections.abc.Iterator` yielding each file check result (:class:`~pathspec.util.CheckResult`). """ if not _is_iterable(files): raise TypeError(f"files:{files!r} is not an iterable.") use_patterns = _filter_check_patterns(self.patterns) for orig_file in files: norm_file = normalize_file(orig_file, separators) include, index = self._match_file(use_patterns, norm_file) yield CheckResult(orig_file, include, index) def check_tree_files( self, root: StrPath, on_error: Optional[Callable[[OSError], None]] = None, follow_links: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[CheckResult[str]]: """ Walks the specified root path for all files and checks them against this path-spec. *root* (:class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) is the root directory to search for files. *on_error* (:class:`~collections.abc.Callable` or :data:`None`) optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions. It will be called with the exception (:exc:`OSError`). Reraise the exception to abort the walk. Default is :data:`None` to ignore file-system exceptions. *follow_links* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether to walk symbolic links that resolve to directories. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`True`. *negate* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) is whether to negate the match results of the patterns. If :data:`True`, a pattern matching a file will exclude the file rather than include it. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`. Returns an :class:`~collections.abc.Iterator` yielding each file check result (:class:`~pathspec.util.CheckResult`). """ files = util.iter_tree_files(root, on_error=on_error, follow_links=follow_links) yield from self.check_files(files) @classmethod def from_lines( cls: Type[Self], pattern_factory: Union[str, Callable[[AnyStr], Pattern]], lines: Iterable[AnyStr], ) -> Self: """ Compiles the pattern lines. *pattern_factory* can be either the name of a registered pattern factory (:class:`str`), or a :class:`~collections.abc.Callable` used to compile patterns. It must accept an uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`) and return the compiled pattern (:class:`.Pattern`). *lines* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) yields each uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`). This simply has to yield each line so that it can be a :class:`io.TextIOBase` (e.g., from :func:`open` or :class:`io.StringIO`) or the result from :meth:`str.splitlines`. Returns the :class:`PathSpec` instance. """ if isinstance(pattern_factory, str): pattern_factory = util.lookup_pattern(pattern_factory) if not callable(pattern_factory): raise TypeError(f"pattern_factory:{pattern_factory!r} is not callable.") if not _is_iterable(lines): raise TypeError(f"lines:{lines!r} is not an iterable.") patterns = [pattern_factory(line) for line in lines if line] return cls(patterns) def match_entries( self, entries: Iterable[TreeEntry], separators: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, *, negate: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[TreeEntry]: """ Matches the entries to this path-spec. *entries* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable` of :class:`~pathspec.util.TreeEntry`) contains the entries to be matched against :attr:`self.patterns `. *separators* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`str`; or :data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information. *negate* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) is whether to negate the match results of the patterns. If :data:`True`, a pattern matching a file will exclude the file rather than include it. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`. Returns the matched entries (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterator` of :class:`~pathspec.util.TreeEntry`). """ if not _is_iterable(entries): raise TypeError(f"entries:{entries!r} is not an iterable.") use_patterns = _filter_check_patterns(self.patterns) for entry in entries: norm_file = normalize_file(entry.path, separators) include, _index = self._match_file(use_patterns, norm_file) if negate: include = not include if include: yield entry _match_file = staticmethod(util.check_match_file) """ Match files using the `check_match_file()` utility function. Subclasses may override this method as an instance method. It does not have to be a static method. The signature for this method is subject to change. """ def match_file( self, file: StrPath, separators: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, ) -> bool: """ Matches the file to this path-spec. *file* (:class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) is the file path to be matched against :attr:`self.patterns `. *separators* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`str`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information. Returns :data:`True` if *file* matched; otherwise, :data:`False`. """ norm_file = normalize_file(file, separators) include, _index = self._match_file(enumerate(self.patterns), norm_file) return bool(include) def match_files( self, files: Iterable[StrPath], separators: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, *, negate: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[StrPath]: """ Matches the files to this path-spec. *files* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable` of :class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) contains the file paths to be matched against :attr:`self.patterns `. *separators* (:class:`~collections.abc.Collection` of :class:`str`; or :data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information. *negate* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) is whether to negate the match results of the patterns. If :data:`True`, a pattern matching a file will exclude the file rather than include it. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`. Returns the matched files (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterator` of :class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`). """ if not _is_iterable(files): raise TypeError(f"files:{files!r} is not an iterable.") use_patterns = _filter_check_patterns(self.patterns) for orig_file in files: norm_file = normalize_file(orig_file, separators) include, _index = self._match_file(use_patterns, norm_file) if negate: include = not include if include: yield orig_file def match_tree_entries( self, root: StrPath, on_error: Optional[Callable[[OSError], None]] = None, follow_links: Optional[bool] = None, *, negate: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[TreeEntry]: """ Walks the specified root path for all files and matches them to this path-spec. *root* (:class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) is the root directory to search. *on_error* (:class:`~collections.abc.Callable` or :data:`None`) optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions. It will be called with the exception (:exc:`OSError`). Reraise the exception to abort the walk. Default is :data:`None` to ignore file-system exceptions. *follow_links* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether to walk symbolic links that resolve to directories. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`True`. *negate* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) is whether to negate the match results of the patterns. If :data:`True`, a pattern matching a file will exclude the file rather than include it. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`. Returns the matched files (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterator` of :class:`.TreeEntry`). """ entries = util.iter_tree_entries(root, on_error=on_error, follow_links=follow_links) yield from self.match_entries(entries, negate=negate) def match_tree_files( self, root: StrPath, on_error: Optional[Callable[[OSError], None]] = None, follow_links: Optional[bool] = None, *, negate: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterator[str]: """ Walks the specified root path for all files and matches them to this path-spec. *root* (:class:`str` or :class:`os.PathLike`) is the root directory to search for files. *on_error* (:class:`~collections.abc.Callable` or :data:`None`) optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions. It will be called with the exception (:exc:`OSError`). Reraise the exception to abort the walk. Default is :data:`None` to ignore file-system exceptions. *follow_links* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether to walk symbolic links that resolve to directories. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`True`. *negate* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) is whether to negate the match results of the patterns. If :data:`True`, a pattern matching a file will exclude the file rather than include it. Default is :data:`None` for :data:`False`. Returns the matched files (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable` of :class:`str`). """ files = util.iter_tree_files(root, on_error=on_error, follow_links=follow_links) yield from self.match_files(files, negate=negate) # Alias `match_tree_files()` as `match_tree()` for backward compatibility # before v0.3.2. match_tree = match_tree_files