from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import os.path from typing import IO, Any import mergedeep # type: ignore import yaml try: from yaml import CSafeLoader as SafeLoader except ImportError: from yaml import SafeLoader # type: ignore log = logging.getLogger(f"mkdocs.{__name__}") class YamlLoader(SafeLoader): pass # Prevent errors from trying to access external modules which may not be installed yet. YamlLoader.add_constructor("!ENV", lambda loader, node: None) # type: ignore YamlLoader.add_constructor("!relative", lambda loader, node: None) # type: ignore YamlLoader.add_multi_constructor( ",2002:python/name:", lambda loader, suffix, node: None ) YamlLoader.add_multi_constructor( ",2002:python/object/apply:", lambda loader, suffix, node: None ) def yaml_load(source: IO | str) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return dict of source YAML file using loader, recursively deep merging inherited parent.""" result = yaml.load(source, Loader=YamlLoader) if result is None: return {} if ( "INHERIT" in result and not isinstance(source, str) and getattr(source, "name", None) is not None ): relpath = result.pop("INHERIT") abspath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, relpath)) log.debug(f"Loading inherited configuration file: {abspath}") with open(abspath, "rb") as f: parent = yaml_load(f) result = mergedeep.merge(parent, result) return result