from __future__ import annotations import functools import logging import os import sys import warnings from collections import UserDict from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import ( IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Iterator, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, overload, ) from mkdocs import exceptions, utils from mkdocs.utils import weak_property if TYPE_CHECKING: from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig log = logging.getLogger('mkdocs.config') T = TypeVar('T') class BaseConfigOption(Generic[T]): def __init__(self) -> None: self.warnings: list[str] = [] self.default = None @property def default(self): try: # ensure no mutable values are assigned return self._default.copy() except AttributeError: return self._default @default.setter def default(self, value): self._default = value def validate(self, value: object, /) -> T: return self.run_validation(value) def reset_warnings(self) -> None: self.warnings = [] def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str) -> None: """ Before all options are validated, perform a pre-validation process. The pre-validation process method should be implemented by subclasses. """ def run_validation(self, value: object, /): """ Perform validation for a value. The run_validation method should be implemented by subclasses. """ return value def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str) -> None: """ After all options have passed validation, perform a post-validation process to do any additional changes dependent on other config values. The post-validation process method should be implemented by subclasses. """ def __set_name__(self, owner, name): if name.endswith('_') and not name.startswith('_'): name = name[:-1] self._name = name @overload def __get__(self, obj: Config, type=None) -> T: ... @overload def __get__(self, obj, type=None) -> BaseConfigOption: ... def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if not isinstance(obj, Config): return self return obj[self._name] def __set__(self, obj, value: T): if not isinstance(obj, Config): raise AttributeError( f"can't set attribute ({self._name}) because the parent is a {type(obj)} not a {Config}" ) obj[self._name] = value class ValidationError(Exception): """Raised during the validation process of the config on errors.""" def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and str(self) == str(other) PlainConfigSchemaItem = Tuple[str, BaseConfigOption] PlainConfigSchema = Sequence[PlainConfigSchemaItem] ConfigErrors = List[Tuple[str, Exception]] ConfigWarnings = List[Tuple[str, str]] class Config(UserDict): """ Base class for MkDocs configuration, plugin configuration (and sub-configuration) objects. It should be subclassed and have `ConfigOption`s defined as attributes. For examples, see mkdocs/contrib/search/ and mkdocs/config/ Behavior as it was prior to MkDocs 1.4 is now handled by LegacyConfig. """ _schema: PlainConfigSchema config_file_path: str def __init_subclass__(cls): schema = dict(getattr(cls, '_schema', ())) for attr_name, attr in cls.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(attr, BaseConfigOption): schema[getattr(attr, '_name', attr_name)] = attr cls._schema = tuple(schema.items()) for attr_name, attr in cls._schema: attr.required = True if getattr(attr, '_legacy_required', None) is not None: raise TypeError( f"{cls.__name__}.{attr_name}: " "Setting 'required' is unsupported in class-based configs. " "All values are required, or can be wrapped into config_options.Optional" ) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Config: """Compatibility: allow referring to `LegacyConfig(...)` constructor as `Config(...)`.""" if cls is Config: return LegacyConfig(*args, **kwargs) return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, config_file_path: str | bytes | None = None): super().__init__() self.__user_configs: list[dict] = [] self.set_defaults() self._schema_keys = {k for k, v in self._schema} # Ensure config_file_path is a Unicode string if config_file_path is not None and not isinstance(config_file_path, str): try: # Assume config_file_path is encoded with the file system encoding. config_file_path = config_file_path.decode(encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValidationError("config_file_path is not a Unicode string.") self.config_file_path = config_file_path or '' def set_defaults(self) -> None: """ Set the base config by going through each validator and getting the default if it has one. """ for key, config_option in self._schema: self[key] = config_option.default def _validate(self) -> tuple[ConfigErrors, ConfigWarnings]: failed: ConfigErrors = [] warnings: ConfigWarnings = [] for key, config_option in self._schema: try: value = self.get(key) self[key] = config_option.validate(value) warnings.extend((key, w) for w in config_option.warnings) config_option.reset_warnings() except ValidationError as e: failed.append((key, e)) break for key in set(self.keys()) - self._schema_keys: warnings.append((key, f"Unrecognised configuration name: {key}")) return failed, warnings def _pre_validate(self) -> tuple[ConfigErrors, ConfigWarnings]: failed: ConfigErrors = [] warnings: ConfigWarnings = [] for key, config_option in self._schema: try: config_option.pre_validation(self, key_name=key) warnings.extend((key, w) for w in config_option.warnings) config_option.reset_warnings() except ValidationError as e: failed.append((key, e)) return failed, warnings def _post_validate(self) -> tuple[ConfigErrors, ConfigWarnings]: failed: ConfigErrors = [] warnings: ConfigWarnings = [] for key, config_option in self._schema: try: config_option.post_validation(self, key_name=key) warnings.extend((key, w) for w in config_option.warnings) config_option.reset_warnings() except ValidationError as e: failed.append((key, e)) return failed, warnings def validate(self) -> tuple[ConfigErrors, ConfigWarnings]: failed, warnings = self._pre_validate() run_failed, run_warnings = self._validate() failed.extend(run_failed) warnings.extend(run_warnings) # Only run the post validation steps if there are no failures, warnings # are okay. if len(failed) == 0: post_failed, post_warnings = self._post_validate() failed.extend(post_failed) warnings.extend(post_warnings) return failed, warnings def load_dict(self, patch: dict) -> None: """Load config options from a dictionary.""" if not isinstance(patch, dict): raise exceptions.ConfigurationError( "The configuration is invalid. Expected a key-" f"value mapping (dict) but received: {type(patch)}" ) self.__user_configs.append(patch) self.update(patch) def load_file(self, config_file: IO) -> None: """Load config options from the open file descriptor of a YAML file.""" warnings.warn( "Config.load_file is not used since MkDocs 1.5 and will be removed soon. " "Use MkDocsConfig.load_file instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.load_dict(utils.yaml_load(config_file)) @weak_property def user_configs(self) -> Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]]: warnings.warn( "user_configs is never used in MkDocs and will be removed soon.", DeprecationWarning ) return self.__user_configs @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_schema(cls: type) -> PlainConfigSchema: """Extract ConfigOptions defined in a class (used just as a container) and put them into a schema tuple.""" if issubclass(cls, Config): return cls._schema return tuple((k, v) for k, v in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, BaseConfigOption)) class LegacyConfig(Config): """A configuration object for plugins, as just a dict without type-safe attribute access.""" def __init__(self, schema: PlainConfigSchema, config_file_path: str | None = None): self._schema = tuple((k, v) for k, v in schema) # Re-create just for validation super().__init__(config_file_path) @contextmanager def _open_config_file(config_file: str | IO | None) -> Iterator[IO]: """ A context manager which yields an open file descriptor ready to be read. Accepts a filename as a string, an open or closed file descriptor, or None. When None, it defaults to `mkdocs.yml` in the CWD. If a closed file descriptor is received, a new file descriptor is opened for the same file. The file descriptor is automatically closed when the context manager block is existed. """ # Default to the standard config filename. if config_file is None: paths_to_try = ['mkdocs.yml', 'mkdocs.yaml'] # If it is a string, we can assume it is a path and attempt to open it. elif isinstance(config_file, str): paths_to_try = [config_file] # If closed file descriptor, get file path to reopen later. elif getattr(config_file, 'closed', False): paths_to_try = [] else: result_config_file = config_file paths_to_try = None if paths_to_try: # config_file is not a file descriptor, so open it as a path. for path in paths_to_try: path = os.path.abspath(path) log.debug(f"Loading configuration file: {path}") try: result_config_file = open(path, 'rb') break except FileNotFoundError: continue else: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f"Config file '{paths_to_try[0]}' does not exist.") else: log.debug(f"Loading configuration file: {result_config_file}") # Ensure file descriptor is at beginning try: except OSError: pass try: yield result_config_file finally: if hasattr(result_config_file, 'close'): result_config_file.close() def load_config( config_file: str | IO | None = None, *, config_file_path: str | None = None, **kwargs ) -> MkDocsConfig: """ Load the configuration for a given file object or name. The config_file can either be a file object, string or None. If it is None the default `mkdocs.yml` filename will loaded. Extra kwargs are passed to the configuration to replace any default values unless they themselves are None. """ options = kwargs.copy() # Filter None values from the options. This usually happens with optional # parameters from Click. for key, value in options.copy().items(): if value is None: options.pop(key) with _open_config_file(config_file) as fd: # Initialize the config with the default schema. from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig if config_file_path is None: if sys.stdin and fd is not sys.stdin.buffer: config_file_path = getattr(fd, 'name', None) cfg = MkDocsConfig(config_file_path=config_file_path) # load the config file cfg.load_file(fd) # Then load the options to overwrite anything in the config. cfg.load_dict(options) errors, warnings = cfg.validate() for config_name, warning in warnings: log.warning(f"Config value '{config_name}': {warning}") for config_name, error in errors: log.error(f"Config value '{config_name}': {error}") for key, value in cfg.items(): log.debug(f"Config value '{key}' = {value!r}") if len(errors) > 0: raise exceptions.Abort("Aborted with a configuration error!") elif cfg.strict and len(warnings) > 0: raise exceptions.Abort( f"Aborted with {len(warnings)} configuration warnings in 'strict' mode!" ) return cfg