""" Snippet ---8<---. pymdownx.snippet Inject snippets MIT license. Copyright (c) 2017 Isaac Muse Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from markdown import Extension from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor import functools import urllib import re import codecs import os from . import util import textwrap MI = 1024 * 1024 # mebibyte (MiB) DEFAULT_URL_SIZE = MI * 32 DEFAULT_URL_TIMEOUT = 10.0 # in seconds DEFAULT_URL_REQUEST_HEADERS = {} class SnippetMissingError(Exception): """Snippet missing exception.""" class SnippetPreprocessor(Preprocessor): """Handle snippets in Markdown content.""" RE_ALL_SNIPPETS = re.compile( r'''(?x) ^(?P[ \t]*) (?P;*) (?P (?P-{1,}8<-{1,}[ \t]+) (?P(?:"(?:\\"|[^"\n\r])+?"|'(?:\\'|[^'\n\r])+?'))(?![ \t]) | (?P-{1,}8<-{1,})(?![ \t]) )\r?$ ''' ) RE_SNIPPET = re.compile( r'''(?x) ^(?P[ \t]*) (?P.*?)\r?$ ''' ) RE_SNIPPET_SECTION = re.compile( r'''(?xi) ^(?P
        (?P-{1,}8<-{1,}[ \t]+)
\[[ \t]*(?Pstart|end)[ \t]*:[ \t]*(?P[a-z][-_0-9a-z]*)[ \t]*\]) (?P.*?)$ ''' ) RE_SNIPPET_FILE = re.compile(r'(?i)(.*?)(?:(:[0-9]*)?(:[0-9]*)?|(:[a-z][-_0-9a-z]*)?)$') def __init__(self, config, md): """Initialize.""" base = config.get('base_path') if isinstance(base, (str, os.PathLike)): base = [base] self.base_path = [os.path.abspath(b) for b in base] self.restrict_base_path = config['restrict_base_path'] self.encoding = config.get('encoding') self.check_paths = config.get('check_paths') self.auto_append = config.get('auto_append') self.url_download = config['url_download'] self.url_max_size = config['url_max_size'] self.url_timeout = config['url_timeout'] self.url_request_headers = config['url_request_headers'] self.dedent_subsections = config['dedent_subsections'] self.tab_length = md.tab_length super().__init__() self.download.cache_clear() def extract_section(self, section, lines): """Extract the specified section from the lines.""" new_lines = [] start = False found = False for l in lines: # Found a snippet section marker with our specified name m = self.RE_SNIPPET_SECTION.match(l) # Handle escaped line if m and start and m.group('escape'): l = ( m.group('pre') + m.group('escape').replace(';', '', 1) + m.group('inline_marker') + m.group('section') + m.group('post') ) # Found a section we are looking for. elif m is not None and m.group('name') == section: # We found the start if not start and m.group('type') == 'start': start = True found = True continue # Ignore duplicate start elif start and m.group('type') == 'start': continue # We found the end elif start and m.group('type') == 'end': start = False break # We found an end, but no start else: break # Found a section we don't care about, so ignore it. elif m and start: continue # We are currently in a section, so append the line if start: new_lines.append(l) if not found and self.check_paths: raise SnippetMissingError(f"Snippet section '{section}' could not be located") return self.dedent(new_lines) if self.dedent_subsections else new_lines def dedent(self, lines): """De-indent lines.""" return textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines)).split('\n') def get_snippet_path(self, path): """Get snippet path.""" snippet = None for base in self.base_path: if os.path.exists(base): if os.path.isdir(base): if self.restrict_base_path: filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base, path)) # If the absolute path is no longer under the specified base path, reject the file if not filename.startswith(base): continue else: filename = os.path.join(base, path) if os.path.exists(filename): snippet = filename break else: dirname = os.path.dirname(base) filename = os.path.join(dirname, path) if os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.samefile(filename, base): snippet = filename break return snippet @functools.lru_cache # noqa: B019 def download(self, url): """ Actually download the snippet pointed to by the passed URL. The most recently used files are kept in a cache until the next reset. """ http_request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=self.url_request_headers) timeout = None if self.url_timeout == 0 else self.url_timeout with urllib.request.urlopen(http_request, timeout=timeout) as response: # Fail if status is not OK status = response.status if util.PY39 else response.code if status != 200: raise SnippetMissingError(f"Cannot download snippet '{url}'") # We provide some basic protection against absurdly large files. # 32MB is chosen as an arbitrary upper limit. This can be raised if desired. content = None if "content-length" not in response.headers: # we have to read to know if we went over the max, but never more than `url_max_size` # where `url_max_size` == 0 means unlimited content = response.read(self.url_max_size) if self.url_max_size != 0 else response.read() content_length = len(content) else: content_length = int(response.headers["content-length"]) if self.url_max_size != 0 and content_length >= self.url_max_size: raise ValueError(f"refusing to read payloads larger than or equal to {self.url_max_size}") # Nothing to return if content_length == 0: return [''] if content is None: # content-length was in the header, so we did not read yet content = response.read() # Process lines return [l.decode(self.encoding) for l in content.splitlines()] def parse_snippets(self, lines, file_name=None, is_url=False): """Parse snippets snippet.""" if file_name: # Track this file. self.seen.add(file_name) new_lines = [] inline = False block = False for line in lines: # Check for snippets on line inline = False m = self.RE_ALL_SNIPPETS.match(line) if m: if m.group('escape'): # The snippet has been escaped, replace first `;` and continue. new_lines.append(line.replace(';', '', 1)) continue if block and m.group('inline_marker'): # Don't use inline notation directly under a block. # It's okay if inline is used again in sub file though. continue elif m.group('inline_marker'): # Inline inline = True else: # Block block = not block continue elif not block: # Not in snippet, and we didn't find an inline, # so just a normal line new_lines.append(line) continue if block and not inline: # We are in a block and we didn't just find a nested inline # So check if a block path m = self.RE_SNIPPET.match(line) if m: # Get spaces and snippet path. Remove quotes if inline. space = m.group('space').expandtabs(self.tab_length) path = m.group('snippet')[1:-1].strip() if inline else m.group('snippet').strip() if not inline: # Block path handling if not path: # Empty path line, insert a blank line new_lines.append('') continue # Ignore commented out lines if path.startswith(';'): continue # Get line numbers (if specified) end = None start = None section = None m = self.RE_SNIPPET_FILE.match(path) path = m.group(1).strip() # Looks like we have an empty file and only lines specified if not path: if self.check_paths: raise SnippetMissingError(f"Snippet at path '{path}' could not be found") else: continue ending = m.group(3) if ending and len(ending) > 1: end = int(ending[1:]) starting = m.group(2) if starting and len(starting) > 1: start = max(0, int(starting[1:]) - 1) section_name = m.group(4) if section_name: section = section_name[1:] # Ignore path links if we are in external, downloaded content is_link = path.lower().startswith(('https://', 'http://')) if is_url and not is_link: continue # If this is a link, and we are allowing URLs, set `url` to true. # Make sure we don't process `path` as a local file reference. url = self.url_download and is_link snippet = self.get_snippet_path(path) if not url else path if snippet: # This is in the stack and we don't want an infinite loop! if snippet in self.seen: continue if not url: # Read file content with codecs.open(snippet, 'r', encoding=self.encoding) as f: s_lines = [l.rstrip('\r\n') for l in f] if start is not None or end is not None: s = slice(start, end) s_lines = self.dedent(s_lines[s]) if self.dedent_subsections else s_lines[s] elif section: s_lines = self.extract_section(section, s_lines) else: # Read URL content try: s_lines = self.download(snippet) if start is not None or end is not None: s = slice(start, end) s_lines = self.dedent(s_lines[s]) if self.dedent_subsections else s_lines[s] elif section: s_lines = self.extract_section(section, s_lines) except SnippetMissingError: if self.check_paths: raise s_lines = [] # Process lines looking for more snippets new_lines.extend( [ space + l2 for l2 in self.parse_snippets( s_lines, snippet, is_url=url ) ] ) elif self.check_paths: raise SnippetMissingError(f"Snippet at path '{path}' could not be found") # Pop the current file name out of the cache if file_name: self.seen.remove(file_name) return new_lines def run(self, lines): """Process snippets.""" self.seen = set() if self.auto_append: lines.extend("\n\n-8<-\n{}\n-8<-\n".format('\n\n'.join(self.auto_append)).split('\n')) return self.parse_snippets(lines) class SnippetExtension(Extension): """Snippet extension.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize.""" self.config = { 'base_path': [["."], "Base path for snippet paths - Default: [\".\"]"], 'restrict_base_path': [ True, "Restrict snippet paths such that they are under the base paths - Default: True" ], 'encoding': ["utf-8", "Encoding of snippets - Default: \"utf-8\""], 'check_paths': [False, "Make the build fail if a snippet can't be found - Default: \"False\""], "auto_append": [ [], "A list of snippets (relative to the 'base_path') to auto append to the Markdown content - Default: []" ], 'url_download': [False, "Download external URLs as snippets - Default: \"False\""], 'url_max_size': [DEFAULT_URL_SIZE, "External URL max size (0 means no limit)- Default: 32 MiB"], 'url_timeout': [DEFAULT_URL_TIMEOUT, 'Defualt URL timeout (0 means no timeout) - Default: 10 sec'], 'url_request_headers': [DEFAULT_URL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "Extra request Headers - Default: {}"], 'dedent_subsections': [False, "Dedent subsection extractions e.g. 'sections' and/or 'lines'."] } super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def extendMarkdown(self, md): """Register the extension.""" self.md = md md.registerExtension(self) config = self.getConfigs() snippet = SnippetPreprocessor(config, md) md.preprocessors.register(snippet, "snippet", 32) def reset(self): """Reset.""" self.md.preprocessors['snippet'].download.cache_clear() def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs): """Return extension.""" return SnippetExtension(*args, **kwargs)