from __future__ import annotations import enum import fnmatch import logging import os import posixpath import shutil import warnings from functools import cached_property from pathlib import PurePath, PurePosixPath from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, overload from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote import pathspec import pathspec.gitignore import pathspec.util from mkdocs import utils if TYPE_CHECKING: import jinja2.environment from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig from mkdocs.structure.pages import Page log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InclusionLevel(enum.Enum): EXCLUDED = -3 """The file is excluded and will not be processed.""" DRAFT = -2 """The file is excluded from the final site, but will still be populated during `mkdocs serve`.""" NOT_IN_NAV = -1 """The file is part of the site, but doesn't produce nav warnings.""" UNDEFINED = 0 """Still needs to be computed based on the config. If the config doesn't kick in, acts the same as `included`.""" INCLUDED = 1 """The file is part of the site. Documentation pages that are omitted from the nav will produce warnings.""" def all(self): return True def is_included(self): return self.value > self.DRAFT.value def is_excluded(self): return self.value <= self.DRAFT.value def is_in_serve(self): return self.value >= self.DRAFT.value def is_in_nav(self): return self.value > self.NOT_IN_NAV.value def is_not_in_nav(self): return self.value <= self.NOT_IN_NAV.value class Files: """A collection of [File][mkdocs.structure.files.File] objects.""" def __init__(self, files: Iterable[File]) -> None: self._src_uris = {f.src_uri: f for f in files} def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[File]: """Iterate over the files within.""" return iter(self._src_uris.values()) def __len__(self) -> int: """The number of files within.""" return len(self._src_uris) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: """Soft-deprecated, prefer `get_file_from_path(path) is not None`.""" return PurePath(path).as_posix() in self._src_uris @property def src_paths(self) -> dict[str, File]: """Soft-deprecated, prefer `src_uris`.""" return {file.src_path: file for file in self} @property def src_uris(self) -> Mapping[str, File]: """ A mapping containing every file, with the keys being their [`src_uri`][mkdocs.structure.files.File.src_uri]. """ return self._src_uris def get_file_from_path(self, path: str) -> File | None: """Return a File instance with File.src_uri equal to path.""" return self._src_uris.get(PurePath(path).as_posix()) def append(self, file: File) -> None: """Add file to the Files collection.""" if file.src_uri in self._src_uris: warnings.warn( "To replace an existing file, call `remove` before `append`.", DeprecationWarning ) del self._src_uris[file.src_uri] self._src_uris[file.src_uri] = file def remove(self, file: File) -> None: """Remove file from Files collection.""" try: del self._src_uris[file.src_uri] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f'{file.src_uri!r} not in collection') def copy_static_files( self, dirty: bool = False, *, inclusion: Callable[[InclusionLevel], bool] = InclusionLevel.is_included, ) -> None: """Copy static files from source to destination.""" for file in self: if not file.is_documentation_page() and inclusion(file.inclusion): file.copy_file(dirty) def documentation_pages( self, *, inclusion: Callable[[InclusionLevel], bool] = InclusionLevel.is_included ) -> Sequence[File]: """Return iterable of all Markdown page file objects.""" return [file for file in self if file.is_documentation_page() and inclusion(file.inclusion)] def static_pages(self) -> Sequence[File]: """Return iterable of all static page file objects.""" return [file for file in self if file.is_static_page()] def media_files(self) -> Sequence[File]: """Return iterable of all file objects which are not documentation or static pages.""" return [file for file in self if file.is_media_file()] def javascript_files(self) -> Sequence[File]: """Return iterable of all javascript file objects.""" return [file for file in self if file.is_javascript()] def css_files(self) -> Sequence[File]: """Return iterable of all CSS file objects.""" return [file for file in self if file.is_css()] def add_files_from_theme(self, env: jinja2.Environment, config: MkDocsConfig) -> None: """Retrieve static files from Jinja environment and add to collection.""" def filter(name): # '.*' filters dot files/dirs at root level whereas '*/.*' filters nested levels patterns = ['.*', '*/.*', '*.py', '*.pyc', '*.html', '*readme*', 'mkdocs_theme.yml'] # Exclude translation files patterns.append("locales/*") patterns.extend(f'*{x}' for x in utils.markdown_extensions) patterns.extend(config.theme.static_templates) for pattern in patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name.lower(), pattern): return False return True for path in env.list_templates(filter_func=filter): # Theme files do not override docs_dir files if self.get_file_from_path(path) is None: for dir in config.theme.dirs: # Find the first theme dir which contains path if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, path)): self.append(File(path, dir, config.site_dir, config.use_directory_urls)) break @property def _files(self) -> Iterable[File]: warnings.warn("Do not access Files._files.", DeprecationWarning) return self @_files.setter def _files(self, value: Iterable[File]): warnings.warn("Do not access Files._files.", DeprecationWarning) self._src_uris = {f.src_uri: f for f in value} class File: """ A MkDocs File object. It represents how the contents of one file should be populated in the destination site. A file always has its `abs_dest_path` (obtained by joining `dest_dir` and `dest_path`), where the `dest_dir` is understood to be the *site* directory. `content_bytes`/`content_string` (new in MkDocs 1.6) can always be used to obtain the file's content. But it may be backed by one of the two sources: * A physical source file at `abs_src_path` (by default obtained by joining `src_dir` and `src_uri`). `src_dir` is understood to be the *docs* directory. Then `content_bytes`/`content_string` will read the file at `abs_src_path`. `src_dir` *should* be populated for real files and should be `None` for generated files. * Since MkDocs 1.6 a file may alternatively be stored in memory - `content_string`/`content_bytes`. Then `src_dir` and `abs_src_path` will remain `None`. `content_bytes`/`content_string` need to be written to, or populated through the `content` argument in the constructor. But `src_uri` is still populated for such files as well! The virtual file pretends as if it originated from that path in the `docs` directory, and other values are derived. For static files the file is just copied to the destination, and `dest_uri` equals `src_uri`. For Markdown files (determined by the file extension in `src_uri`) the destination content will be the rendered content, and `dest_uri` will have the `.html` extension and some additional transformations to the path, based on `use_directory_urls`. """ src_uri: str """The pure path (always '/'-separated) of the source file relative to the source directory.""" use_directory_urls: bool """Whether directory URLs ('foo/') should be used or not ('foo.html'). If `False`, a Markdown file is mapped to an HTML file of the same name (the file extension is changed to `.html`). If True, a Markdown file is mapped to an HTML index file (`index.html`) nested in a directory using the "name" of the file in `path`. Non-Markdown files retain their original path. """ src_dir: str | None """The OS path of the top-level directory that the source file originates from. Assumed to be the *docs_dir*; not populated for generated files.""" dest_dir: str """The OS path of the destination directory (top-level site_dir) that the file should be copied to.""" inclusion: InclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED """Whether the file will be excluded from the built site.""" generated_by: str | None = None """If not None, indicates that a plugin generated this file on the fly. The value is the plugin's entrypoint name and can be used to find the plugin by key in the PluginCollection.""" _content: str | bytes | None = None """If set, the file's content will be read from here. This logic is handled by `content_bytes`/`content_string`, which should be used instead of accessing this attribute.""" @property def src_path(self) -> str: """Same as `src_uri` (and synchronized with it) but will use backslashes on Windows. Discouraged.""" return os.path.normpath(self.src_uri) @src_path.setter def src_path(self, value: str): self.src_uri = PurePath(value).as_posix() @property def dest_path(self) -> str: """Same as `dest_uri` (and synchronized with it) but will use backslashes on Windows. Discouraged.""" return os.path.normpath(self.dest_uri) @dest_path.setter def dest_path(self, value: str): self.dest_uri = PurePath(value).as_posix() page: Page | None = None @overload @classmethod def generated( cls, config: MkDocsConfig, src_uri: str, *, content: str | bytes, inclusion: InclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED, ) -> File: """ Create a virtual file backed by in-memory content. It will pretend to be a file in the docs dir at `src_uri`. """ @overload @classmethod def generated( cls, config: MkDocsConfig, src_uri: str, *, abs_src_path: str, inclusion: InclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED, ) -> File: """ Create a virtual file backed by a physical temporary file at `abs_src_path`. It will pretend to be a file in the docs dir at `src_uri`. """ @classmethod def generated( cls, config: MkDocsConfig, src_uri: str, *, content: str | bytes | None = None, abs_src_path: str | None = None, inclusion: InclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED, ) -> File: """ Create a virtual file, backed either by in-memory `content` or by a file at `abs_src_path`. It will pretend to be a file in the docs dir at `src_uri`. """ if (content is None) == (abs_src_path is None): raise TypeError("File must have exactly one of 'content' or 'abs_src_path'") f = cls( src_uri, src_dir=None, dest_dir=config.site_dir, use_directory_urls=config.use_directory_urls, inclusion=inclusion, ) f.generated_by = config.plugins._current_plugin or '' f.abs_src_path = abs_src_path f._content = content return f def __init__( self, path: str, src_dir: str | None, dest_dir: str, use_directory_urls: bool, *, dest_uri: str | None = None, inclusion: InclusionLevel = InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED, ) -> None: self.src_path = path self.src_dir = src_dir self.dest_dir = dest_dir self.use_directory_urls = use_directory_urls if dest_uri is not None: self.dest_uri = dest_uri self.inclusion = inclusion def __repr__(self): return ( f"{type(self).__name__}({self.src_uri!r}, src_dir={self.src_dir!r}, " f"dest_dir={self.dest_dir!r}, use_directory_urls={self.use_directory_urls!r}, " f"dest_uri={self.dest_uri!r}, inclusion={self.inclusion})" ) @utils.weak_property def edit_uri(self) -> str | None: """ A path relative to the source repository to use for the "edit" button. Defaults to `src_uri` and can be overwritten. For generated files this should be set to `None`. """ return self.src_uri if self.generated_by is None else None def _get_stem(self) -> str: """Soft-deprecated, do not use.""" filename = posixpath.basename(self.src_uri) stem, ext = posixpath.splitext(filename) return 'index' if stem == 'README' else stem name = cached_property(_get_stem) """Return the name of the file without its extension.""" def _get_dest_path(self, use_directory_urls: bool | None = None) -> str: """Soft-deprecated, do not use.""" if self.is_documentation_page(): parent, filename = posixpath.split(self.src_uri) if use_directory_urls is None: use_directory_urls = self.use_directory_urls if not use_directory_urls or == 'index': # or => index.html # => foo.html return posixpath.join(parent, + '.html') else: # => foo/index.html return posixpath.join(parent,, 'index.html') return self.src_uri dest_uri = cached_property(_get_dest_path) """The pure path (always '/'-separated) of the destination file relative to the destination directory.""" def _get_url(self, use_directory_urls: bool | None = None) -> str: """Soft-deprecated, do not use.""" url = self.dest_uri dirname, filename = posixpath.split(url) if use_directory_urls is None: use_directory_urls = self.use_directory_urls if use_directory_urls and filename == 'index.html': url = (dirname or '.') + '/' return urlquote(url) url = cached_property(_get_url) """The URI of the destination file relative to the destination directory as a string.""" @cached_property def abs_src_path(self) -> str | None: """ The absolute concrete path of the source file. Will use backslashes on Windows. Note: do not use this path to read the file, prefer `content_bytes`/`content_string`. """ if self.src_dir is None: return None return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.src_dir, self.src_uri)) @cached_property def abs_dest_path(self) -> str: """The absolute concrete path of the destination file. Will use backslashes on Windows.""" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dest_dir, self.dest_uri)) def url_relative_to(self, other: File | str) -> str: """Return url for file relative to other file.""" return utils.get_relative_url(self.url, other.url if isinstance(other, File) else other) @property def content_bytes(self) -> bytes: """ Get the content of this file as a bytestring. May raise if backed by a real file (`abs_src_path`) if it cannot be read. If used as a setter, it defines the content of the file, and `abs_src_path` becomes unset. """ content = self._content if content is None: assert self.abs_src_path is not None with open(self.abs_src_path, 'rb') as f: return if not isinstance(content, bytes): content = content.encode() return content @content_bytes.setter def content_bytes(self, value: bytes): assert isinstance(value, bytes) self._content = value self.abs_src_path = None @property def content_string(self) -> str: """ Get the content of this file as a string. Assumes UTF-8 encoding, may raise. May also raise if backed by a real file (`abs_src_path`) if it cannot be read. If used as a setter, it defines the content of the file, and `abs_src_path` becomes unset. """ content = self._content if content is None: assert self.abs_src_path is not None with open(self.abs_src_path, encoding='utf-8-sig', errors='strict') as f: return if not isinstance(content, str): content = content.decode('utf-8-sig', errors='strict') return content @content_string.setter def content_string(self, value: str): assert isinstance(value, str) self._content = value self.abs_src_path = None def copy_file(self, dirty: bool = False) -> None: """Copy source file to destination, ensuring parent directories exist.""" if dirty and not self.is_modified(): log.debug(f"Skip copying unmodified file: '{self.src_uri}'") return log.debug(f"Copying media file: '{self.src_uri}'") output_path = self.abs_dest_path os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) content = self._content if content is None: assert self.abs_src_path is not None try: utils.copy_file(self.abs_src_path, output_path) except shutil.SameFileError: pass # Let plugins write directly into site_dir. elif isinstance(content, str): with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file: output_file.write(content) else: with open(output_path, 'wb') as output_file: output_file.write(content) def is_modified(self) -> bool: if self._content is not None: return True assert self.abs_src_path is not None if os.path.isfile(self.abs_dest_path): return os.path.getmtime(self.abs_dest_path) < os.path.getmtime(self.abs_src_path) return True def is_documentation_page(self) -> bool: """Return True if file is a Markdown page.""" return utils.is_markdown_file(self.src_uri) def is_static_page(self) -> bool: """Return True if file is a static page (HTML, XML, JSON).""" return self.src_uri.endswith(('.html', '.htm', '.xml', '.json')) def is_media_file(self) -> bool: """Return True if file is not a documentation or static page.""" return not (self.is_documentation_page() or self.is_static_page()) def is_javascript(self) -> bool: """Return True if file is a JavaScript file.""" return self.src_uri.endswith(('.js', '.javascript', '.mjs')) def is_css(self) -> bool: """Return True if file is a CSS file.""" return self.src_uri.endswith('.css') _default_exclude = pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec.from_lines(['.*', '/templates/']) def set_exclusions(files: Iterable[File], config: MkDocsConfig) -> None: """Re-calculate which files are excluded, based on the patterns in the config.""" exclude: pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec | None = config.get('exclude_docs') exclude = _default_exclude + exclude if exclude else _default_exclude drafts: pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec | None = config.get('draft_docs') nav_exclude: pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec | None = config.get('not_in_nav') for file in files: if file.inclusion == InclusionLevel.UNDEFINED: if exclude.match_file(file.src_uri): file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.EXCLUDED elif drafts and drafts.match_file(file.src_uri): file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.DRAFT elif nav_exclude and nav_exclude.match_file(file.src_uri): file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.NOT_IN_NAV else: file.inclusion = InclusionLevel.INCLUDED def get_files(config: MkDocsConfig) -> Files: """Walk the `docs_dir` and return a Files collection.""" files: list[File] = [] conflicting_files: list[tuple[File, File]] = [] for source_dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(config['docs_dir'], followlinks=True): relative_dir = os.path.relpath(source_dir, config['docs_dir']) dirnames.sort() filenames.sort(key=_file_sort_key) files_by_dest: dict[str, File] = {} for filename in filenames: file = File( os.path.join(relative_dir, filename), config['docs_dir'], config['site_dir'], config['use_directory_urls'], ) # Skip if an index file also exists in dir (part 1) prev_file = files_by_dest.setdefault(file.dest_uri, file) if prev_file is not file: conflicting_files.append((prev_file, file)) files.append(file) prev_file = file set_exclusions(files, config) # Skip if an index file also exists in dir (part 2) for a, b in conflicting_files: if b.inclusion.is_included(): if a.inclusion.is_included(): log.warning( f"Excluding '{a.src_uri}' from the site because it conflicts with '{b.src_uri}'." ) try: files.remove(a) except ValueError: pass # Catching this to avoid errors if attempting to remove the same file twice. else: try: files.remove(b) except ValueError: pass return Files(files) def file_sort_key(f: File, /): """ Replicates the sort order how `get_files` produces it - index first, directories last. To sort a list of `File`, pass as the `key` argument to `sort`. """ parts = PurePosixPath(f.src_uri).parts if not parts: return () return (parts[:-1], != "index", parts[-1]) def _file_sort_key(f: str): """Always sort `index` or `README` as first filename in list. This works only on basenames of files.""" return (os.path.splitext(f)[0] not in ('index', 'README'), f) def _sort_files(filenames: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]: """Soft-deprecated, do not use.""" return sorted(filenames, key=_file_sort_key) def _filter_paths(basename: str, path: str, is_dir: bool, exclude: Iterable[str]) -> bool: warnings.warn( "_filter_paths is not used since MkDocs 1.5 and will be removed soon.", DeprecationWarning ) for item in exclude: # Items ending in '/' apply only to directories. if item.endswith('/') and not is_dir: continue # Items starting with '/' apply to the whole path. # In any other cases just the basename is used. match = path if item.startswith('/') else basename if fnmatch.fnmatch(match, item.strip('/')): return True return False