from __future__ import annotations import functools import io import ipaddress import logging import mimetypes import os import os.path import pathlib import posixpath import re import socket import socketserver import string import sys import threading import time import traceback import urllib.parse import webbrowser import wsgiref.simple_server import wsgiref.util from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Iterable import import watchdog.observers.polling _SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_STR = """ var livereload = function(epoch, requestId) { var req, timeout; var poll = function() { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onloadend = function() { if (parseFloat(this.responseText) > epoch) { location.reload(); } else { timeout = setTimeout(poll, this.status === 200 ? 0 : 3000); } };"GET", "/livereload/" + epoch + "/" + requestId); req.send(); } var stop = function() { if (req) { req.abort(); } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } req = timeout = undefined; }; window.addEventListener("load", function() { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { poll(); } }); window.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { poll(); } else { stop(); } }); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", stop); console.log('Enabled live reload'); } livereload(${epoch}, ${request_id}); """ _SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = string.Template(_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE_STR) class _LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): def process(self, msg: str, kwargs: dict) -> tuple[str, dict]: # type: ignore[override] return time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S] ") + msg, kwargs log = _LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__), {}) def _normalize_mount_path(mount_path: str) -> str: """Ensure the mount path starts and ends with a slash.""" return ("/" + mount_path.lstrip("/")).rstrip("/") + "/" def _serve_url(host: str, port: int, path: str) -> str: return f"http://{host}:{port}{_normalize_mount_path(path)}" class LiveReloadServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer): daemon_threads = True poll_response_timeout = 60 def __init__( self, builder: Callable[[], None], host: str, port: int, root: str, mount_path: str = "/", polling_interval: float = 0.5, shutdown_delay: float = 0.25, ) -> None: self.builder = builder try: if isinstance(ipaddress.ip_address(host), ipaddress.IPv6Address): self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 except Exception: pass self.root = os.path.abspath(root) self.mount_path = _normalize_mount_path(mount_path) self.url = _serve_url(host, port, mount_path) self.build_delay = 0.1 self.shutdown_delay = shutdown_delay # To allow custom error pages. self.error_handler: Callable[[int], bytes | None] = lambda code: None super().__init__((host, port), _Handler, bind_and_activate=False) self.set_app(self.serve_request) self._wanted_epoch = _timestamp() # The version of the site that started building. self._visible_epoch = self._wanted_epoch # Latest fully built version of the site. self._epoch_cond = threading.Condition() # Must be held when accessing _visible_epoch. self._want_rebuild: bool = False self._rebuild_cond = threading.Condition() # Must be held when accessing _want_rebuild. self._shutdown = False self.serve_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self.serve_forever(shutdown_delay)) = watchdog.observers.polling.PollingObserver(timeout=polling_interval) self._watched_paths: dict[str, int] = {} self._watch_refs: dict[str, Any] = {} def watch(self, path: str, func: None = None, *, recursive: bool = True) -> None: """Add the 'path' to watched paths, call the function and reload when any file changes under it.""" path = os.path.abspath(path) if not (func is None or func is self.builder): # type: ignore[unreachable] raise TypeError("Plugins can no longer pass a 'func' parameter to watch().") if path in self._watched_paths: self._watched_paths[path] += 1 return self._watched_paths[path] = 1 def callback(event): if event.is_directory: return log.debug(str(event)) with self._rebuild_cond: self._want_rebuild = True self._rebuild_cond.notify_all() handler = handler.on_any_event = callback # type: ignore[method-assign] log.debug(f"Watching '{path}'") self._watch_refs[path] =, path, recursive=recursive) def unwatch(self, path: str) -> None: """Stop watching file changes for path. Raises if there was no corresponding `watch` call.""" path = os.path.abspath(path) self._watched_paths[path] -= 1 if self._watched_paths[path] <= 0: self._watched_paths.pop(path) def serve(self, *, open_in_browser=False): self.server_bind() self.server_activate() if self._watched_paths: paths_str = ", ".join(f"'{_try_relativize_path(path)}'" for path in self._watched_paths)"Watching paths for changes: {paths_str}") if open_in_browser:"Serving on {self.url} and opening it in a browser") else:"Serving on {self.url}") self.serve_thread.start() if open_in_browser: self._build_loop() def _build_loop(self): while True: with self._rebuild_cond: while not self._rebuild_cond.wait_for( lambda: self._want_rebuild or self._shutdown, timeout=self.shutdown_delay ): # We could have used just one wait instead of a loop + timeout, but we need # occasional breaks, otherwise on Windows we can't receive KeyboardInterrupt. pass if self._shutdown: break"Detected file changes") while self._rebuild_cond.wait(timeout=self.build_delay): log.debug("Waiting for file changes to stop happening") self._wanted_epoch = _timestamp() self._want_rebuild = False try: self.builder() except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit): print(e, file=sys.stderr) # noqa: T201 else: traceback.print_exc() log.error( "An error happened during the rebuild. The server will appear stuck until build errors are resolved." ) continue with self._epoch_cond:"Reloading browsers") self._visible_epoch = self._wanted_epoch self._epoch_cond.notify_all() def shutdown(self, wait=False) -> None: with self._rebuild_cond: self._shutdown = True self._rebuild_cond.notify_all() if self.serve_thread.is_alive(): super().shutdown() self.server_close() if wait: self.serve_thread.join() def serve_request(self, environ, start_response) -> Iterable[bytes]: try: result = self._serve_request(environ, start_response) except Exception: code = 500 msg = "500 Internal Server Error" log.exception(msg) else: if result is not None: return result code = 404 msg = "404 Not Found" error_content = None try: error_content = self.error_handler(code) except Exception: log.exception("Failed to render an error message!") if error_content is None: error_content = msg.encode() start_response(msg, [("Content-Type", "text/html")]) return [error_content] def _serve_request(self, environ, start_response) -> Iterable[bytes] | None: # # path = environ["PATH_INFO"].encode("latin-1").decode("utf-8", "ignore") if path.startswith("/livereload/"): if m := re.fullmatch(r"/livereload/([0-9]+)/[0-9]+", path): epoch = int(m[1]) start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]) def condition(): return self._visible_epoch > epoch with self._epoch_cond: if not condition(): # Stall the browser, respond as soon as there's something new. # If there's not, respond anyway after a minute. self._log_poll_request(environ.get("HTTP_REFERER"), request_id=path) self._epoch_cond.wait_for(condition, timeout=self.poll_response_timeout) return [b"%d" % self._visible_epoch] if (path + "/").startswith(self.mount_path): rel_file_path = path[len(self.mount_path) :] if path.endswith("/"): rel_file_path += "index.html" # Prevent directory traversal - normalize the path. rel_file_path = posixpath.normpath("/" + rel_file_path).lstrip("/") file_path = os.path.join(self.root, rel_file_path) elif path == "/": start_response("302 Found", [("Location", urllib.parse.quote(self.mount_path))]) return [] else: return None # Not found # Wait until the ongoing rebuild (if any) finishes, so we're not serving a half-built site. with self._epoch_cond: self._epoch_cond.wait_for(lambda: self._visible_epoch == self._wanted_epoch) epoch = self._visible_epoch try: file: BinaryIO = open(file_path, "rb") except OSError: if not path.endswith("/") and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_path, "index.html")): start_response("302 Found", [("Location", urllib.parse.quote(path) + "/")]) return [] return None # Not found if self._watched_paths and file_path.endswith(".html"): with file: content = content = self._inject_js_into_html(content, epoch) file = io.BytesIO(content) content_length = len(content) else: content_length = os.path.getsize(file_path) content_type = self._guess_type(file_path) start_response( "200 OK", [("Content-Type", content_type), ("Content-Length", str(content_length))] ) return wsgiref.util.FileWrapper(file) def _inject_js_into_html(self, content, epoch): try: body_end = content.rindex(b"") except ValueError: body_end = len(content) # The page will reload if the livereload poller returns a newer epoch than what it knows. # The other timestamp becomes just a unique identifier for the initiating page. script = _SCRIPT_TEMPLATE.substitute(epoch=epoch, request_id=_timestamp()) return b"%b%b" % ( content[:body_end], script.encode(), content[body_end:], ) @classmethod @functools.lru_cache # "Cache" to not repeat the same message for the same browser tab. def _log_poll_request(cls, url, request_id):"Browser connected: {url}") @classmethod def _guess_type(cls, path): # MkDocs only ensures a few common types (as seen in # Other uncommon types will not be accepted. if path.endswith((".js", ".JS", ".mjs")): return "application/javascript" if path.endswith(".gz"): return "application/gzip" guess, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if guess: return guess return "application/octet-stream" class _Handler(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler): def log_request(self, code="-", size="-"): level = logging.DEBUG if str(code) == "200" else logging.WARNING log.log(level, f'"{self.requestline}" code {code}') def log_message(self, format, *args): log.debug(format, *args) def _timestamp() -> int: return round(time.monotonic() * 1000) def _try_relativize_path(path: str) -> str: """Make the path relative to current directory if it's under that directory.""" p = pathlib.Path(path) try: p = p.relative_to(os.getcwd()) except ValueError: pass return str(p)