Metadata-Version: 2.3 Name: mkdocs Version: 1.6.1 Summary: Project documentation with Markdown. Project-URL: Documentation, Project-URL: Source, Project-URL: Issues, Project-URL: History, Author-email: Tom Christie License-Expression: BSD-2-Clause License-File: LICENSE Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Environment :: Console Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Classifier: Topic :: Documentation Classifier: Topic :: Text Processing Requires-Python: >=3.8 Requires-Dist: click>=7.0 Requires-Dist: colorama>=0.4; platform_system == 'Windows' Requires-Dist: ghp-import>=1.0 Requires-Dist: importlib-metadata>=4.4; python_version < '3.10' Requires-Dist: jinja2>=2.11.1 Requires-Dist: markdown>=3.3.6 Requires-Dist: markupsafe>=2.0.1 Requires-Dist: mergedeep>=1.3.4 Requires-Dist: mkdocs-get-deps>=0.2.0 Requires-Dist: packaging>=20.5 Requires-Dist: pathspec>=0.11.1 Requires-Dist: pyyaml-env-tag>=0.1 Requires-Dist: pyyaml>=5.1 Requires-Dist: watchdog>=2.0 Provides-Extra: i18n Requires-Dist: babel>=2.9.0; extra == 'i18n' Provides-Extra: min-versions Requires-Dist: babel==2.9.0; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: click==7.0; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: colorama==0.4; (platform_system == 'Windows') and extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: ghp-import==1.0; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: importlib-metadata==4.4; (python_version < '3.10') and extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: jinja2==2.11.1; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: markdown==3.3.6; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: markupsafe==2.0.1; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: mergedeep==1.3.4; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: mkdocs-get-deps==0.2.0; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: packaging==20.5; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: pathspec==0.11.1; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: pyyaml-env-tag==0.1; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: pyyaml==5.1; extra == 'min-versions' Requires-Dist: watchdog==2.0; extra == 'min-versions' Description-Content-Type: text/markdown # MkDocs > *Project documentation with Markdown* [![PyPI Version][pypi-v-image]][pypi-v-link] [![Build Status][GHAction-image]][GHAction-link] [![Coverage Status][codecov-image]][codecov-link] MkDocs is a **fast**, **simple** and **downright gorgeous** static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. It is designed to be easy to use and can be extended with third-party themes, plugins, and Markdown extensions. Please see the [Documentation][mkdocs] for an introductory tutorial and a full user guide. ## Features - Build static HTML files from Markdown files. - Use Plugins and Markdown Extensions to enhance MkDocs. - Use the built-in themes, third party themes or create your own. - Publish your documentation anywhere that static files can be served. - Much more! ## Support If you need help with MkDocs, do not hesitate to get in contact with us! - For questions and high-level discussions, use **[Discussions]** on GitHub. - For small questions, a good alternative is the **[Chat room]** on Gitter/Matrix. - To report a bug or make a feature request, open an **[Issue]** on GitHub. Please note that we may only provide support for problems/questions regarding core features of MkDocs. Any questions or bug reports about features of third-party themes, plugins, extensions or similar should be made to their respective projects. But, such questions are *not* banned from the [chat room]. Make sure to stick around to answer some questions as well! ## Links - [Official Documentation][mkdocs] - [Latest Release Notes][release-notes] - [Catalog of third-party plugins, themes and recipes][catalog] ## Contributing to MkDocs The MkDocs project welcomes, and depends on, contributions from developers and users in the open source community. Please see the [Contributing Guide] for information on how you can help. ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the MkDocs project's codebases, issue trackers, and discussion forums is expected to follow the [PyPA Code of Conduct]. [codecov-image]: [codecov-link]: [pypi-v-image]: [pypi-v-link]: [GHAction-image]: [GHAction-link]: [mkdocs]: [Issue]: [Discussions]: [Chat room]: [release-notes]: [Contributing Guide]: [PyPA Code of Conduct]: [catalog]: ## License [BSD-2-Clause](