Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: watchdog Version: 5.0.0 Summary: Filesystem events monitoring Home-page: Author: Mickaël Schoentgen Author-email: License: Apache-2.0 Project-URL: Documentation, Project-URL: Source, Project-URL: Issues, Project-URL: Changelog, Keywords: python filesystem monitoring monitor FSEvents kqueue inotify ReadDirectoryChangesW polling DirectorySnapshot Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Classifier: Environment :: Console Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Classifier: Natural Language :: English Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows Vista Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 7 Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 8 Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 8.1 Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 10 Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 11 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Classifier: Programming Language :: C Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries Classifier: Topic :: System :: Monitoring Classifier: Topic :: System :: Filesystems Classifier: Topic :: Utilities Requires-Python: >=3.9 Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst License-File: LICENSE License-File: COPYING License-File: AUTHORS Provides-Extra: watchmedo Requires-Dist: PyYAML>=3.10; extra == "watchmedo" Watchdog ======== |Build Status| |CirrusCI Status| Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events. Works on 3.9+. Example API Usage ----------------- A simple program that uses watchdog to monitor directories specified as command-line arguments and logs events generated: .. code-block:: python import time from import FileSystemEvent, FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers import Observer class MyEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event: FileSystemEvent) -> None: print(event) event_handler = MyEventHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, ".", recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) finally: observer.stop() observer.join() Shell Utilities --------------- Watchdog comes with an *optional* utility script called ``watchmedo``. Please type ``watchmedo --help`` at the shell prompt to know more about this tool. Here is how you can log the current directory recursively for events related only to ``*.py`` and ``*.txt`` files while ignoring all directory events: .. code-block:: bash watchmedo log \ --patterns='*.py;*.txt' \ --ignore-directories \ --recursive \ --verbose \ . You can use the ``shell-command`` subcommand to execute shell commands in response to events: .. code-block:: bash watchmedo shell-command \ --patterns='*.py;*.txt' \ --recursive \ --command='echo "${watch_src_path}"' \ . Please see the help information for these commands by typing: .. code-block:: bash watchmedo [command] --help About ``watchmedo`` Tricks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``watchmedo`` can read ``tricks.yaml`` files and execute tricks within them in response to file system events. Tricks are actually event handlers that subclass ``watchdog.tricks.Trick`` and are written by plugin authors. Trick classes are augmented with a few additional features that regular event handlers don't need. An example ``tricks.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml tricks: - watchdog.tricks.LoggerTrick: patterns: ["*.py", "*.js"] - watchmedo_webtricks.GoogleClosureTrick: patterns: ['*.js'] hash_names: true mappings_format: json # json|yaml|python mappings_module: app/javascript_mappings suffix: .min.js compilation_level: advanced # simple|advanced source_directory: app/static/js/ destination_directory: app/public/js/ files: index-page: - app/static/js/vendor/jquery*.js - app/static/js/base.js - app/static/js/index-page.js about-page: - app/static/js/vendor/jquery*.js - app/static/js/base.js - app/static/js/about-page/**/*.js The directory containing the ``tricks.yaml`` file will be monitored. Each trick class is initialized with its corresponding keys in the ``tricks.yaml`` file as arguments and events are fed to an instance of this class as they arrive. Installation ------------ Install from PyPI using ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m pip install -U watchdog # or to install the watchmedo utility: $ python -m pip install -U "watchdog[watchmedo]" Install from source: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m pip install -e . # or to install the watchmedo utility: $ python -m pip install -e '.[watchmedo]' Documentation ------------- You can browse the latest release documentation_ online. Contribute ---------- Fork the `repository`_ on GitHub and send a pull request, or file an issue ticket at the `issue tracker`_. For general help and questions use `stackoverflow`_ with tag `python-watchdog`. Create and activate your virtual environment, then:: python -m pip install tox python -m tox [-q] [-e ENV] If you are making a substantial change, add an entry to the "Unreleased" section of the `changelog`_. Supported Platforms ------------------- * Linux 2.6 (inotify) * macOS (FSEvents, kqueue) * FreeBSD/BSD (kqueue) * Windows (ReadDirectoryChangesW with I/O completion ports; ReadDirectoryChangesW worker threads) * OS-independent (polling the disk for directory snapshots and comparing them periodically; slow and not recommended) Note that when using watchdog with kqueue, you need the number of file descriptors allowed to be opened by programs running on your system to be increased to more than the number of files that you will be monitoring. The easiest way to do that is to edit your ``~/.profile`` file and add a line similar to:: ulimit -n 1024 This is an inherent problem with kqueue because it uses file descriptors to monitor files. That plus the enormous amount of bookkeeping that watchdog needs to do in order to monitor file descriptors just makes this a painful way to monitor files and directories. In essence, kqueue is not a very scalable way to monitor a deeply nested directory of files and directories with a large number of files. About using watchdog with editors like Vim ------------------------------------------ Vim does not modify files unless directed to do so. It creates backup files and then swaps them in to replace the files you are editing on the disk. This means that if you use Vim to edit your files, the on-modified events for those files will not be triggered by watchdog. You may need to configure Vim appropriately to disable this feature. About using watchdog with CIFS ------------------------------ When you want to watch changes in CIFS, you need to explicitly tell watchdog to use ``PollingObserver``, that is, instead of letting watchdog decide an appropriate observer like in the example above, do:: from watchdog.observers.polling import PollingObserver as Observer Dependencies ------------ 1. Python 3.9 or above. 2. XCode_ (only on macOS when installing from sources) 3. PyYAML_ (only for ``watchmedo``) Licensing --------- Watchdog is licensed under the terms of the `Apache License, version 2.0`_. - Copyright 2018-2024 Mickaël Schoentgen & contributors - Copyright 2014-2018 Thomas Amland & contributors - Copyright 2012-2014 Google, Inc. - Copyright 2011-2012 Yesudeep Mangalapilly Project `source code`_ is available at Github. Please report bugs and file enhancement requests at the `issue tracker`_. Why Watchdog? ------------- Too many people tried to do the same thing and none did what I needed Python to do: * pnotify_ * `unison fsmonitor`_ * fsmonitor_ * guard_ * pyinotify_ * `inotify-tools`_ * jnotify_ * treewatcher_ * `file.monitor`_ * pyfilesystem_ .. links: .. _Yesudeep Mangalapilly: .. _source code: .. _issue tracker: .. _Apache License, version 2.0: .. _documentation: .. _stackoverflow: .. _repository: .. _issue tracker: .. _changelog: .. _PyYAML: .. _XCode: .. _pnotify: .. _unison fsmonitor: .. _fsmonitor: .. _guard: .. _pyinotify: .. _inotify-tools: .. _jnotify: .. _treewatcher: .. _file.monitor: .. _pyfilesystem: .. |Build Status| image:: :target: .. |CirrusCI Status| image:: :target: .. :changelog: Changelog --------- 5.0.0 (dev) ~~~~~~~~~~~ 2024-xx-xx • `full history `__ **Breaking Changes** - Drop support for Python 3.8 (`#1055 `__) - [core] Enforced usage of proper keyword-arguments (`#1057 `__) - [core] Renamed the ``BaseObserverSubclassCallable`` class to ``ObserverType`` (`#1055 `__) - [inotify] Renamed the ``inotify_event_struct`` class to ``InotifyEventStruct`` (`#1055 `__) - [inotify] Renamed the ``UnsupportedLibc`` exception to ``UnsupportedLibcError`` (`#1057 `__) - [inotify] Removed the ``InotifyConstants.IN_CLOSE`` constant (`#1046 `__) - [watchmedo] Renamed the ``LogLevelException`` exception to ``LogLevelError`` (`#1057 `__) - [watchmedo] Renamed the ``WatchdogShutdown`` exception to ``WatchdogShutdownError`` (`#1057 `__) - [windows] Renamed the ``FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION`` class to ``FileNotifyInformation`` (`#1055 `__) - [windows] Removed the unused ``WATCHDOG_TRAVERSE_MOVED_DIR_DELAY`` constant (`#1057 `__) **Other Changes** - [core] Enable ``disallow_untyped_calls`` Mypy rule (`#1055 `__) - [core] Enable ``disallow_untyped_defs`` Mypy rule (`#1060 `__) - [core] Improve typing references for events (`#1040 `__) - [inotify] Add support for ``IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE`` events. A ``FileClosedNoWriteEvent`` event will be fired, and its ``on_closed_no_write()`` dispatcher has been introduced (`#1046 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG 4.0.2 ~~~~~ 2024-08-11 • `full history `__ - Add support for Python 3.13 (`#1052 `__) - [core] Run ``ruff``, apply several fixes (`#1033 `__) - [core] Remove execution rights from ```` - [documentation] Update ``PatternMatchingEventHandler`` docstrings (`#1048 `__) - [documentation] Simplify the quickstart example (`#1047 `__) - [fsevents] Add missing ``event_filter`` keyword-argument to ``FSEventsObserver.schedule()`` (`#1049 `__) - [utils] Fix a possible race condition in ``AutoRestartTrick`` (`#1002 `__) - [watchmedo] Remove execution rights from ```` - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @nbelakovski, @ivg 4.0.1 ~~~~~ 2024-05-23 • `full history `__ - [inotify] Fix missing ``event_filter`` for the full emitter (`#1032 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @mraspaud, @BoboTiG 4.0.0 ~~~~~ 2024-02-06 • `full history `__ - Drop support for Python 3.7. - Add support for Python 3.12. - [snapshot] Add typing to ``dirsnapshot`` (`#1012 `__) - [snapshot] Added ``DirectorySnapshotDiff.ContextManager`` (`#1011 `__) - [events] ``FileSystemEvent``, and subclasses, are now ``dataclass``es, and their ``repr()`` has changed - [windows] ``WinAPINativeEvent`` is now a ``dataclass``, and its ``repr()`` has changed - [events] Log ``FileOpenedEvent``, and ``FileClosedEvent``, events in ``LoggingEventHandler`` - [tests] Improve ``FileSystemEvent`` coverage - [watchmedo] Log all events in ``LoggerTrick`` - [windows] The ``observers.read_directory_changes.WATCHDOG_TRAVERSE_MOVED_DIR_DELAY`` hack was removed. The constant will be kept to prevent breaking other softwares. - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @msabramo 3.0.0 ~~~~~ 2023-03-20 • `full history `__ - Drop support for Python 3.6. - ``watchdog`` is now PEP 561 compatible, and tested with ``mypy`` - Fix missing ``>`` in ``FileSystemEvent.__repr__()`` (`#980 `__) - [ci] Lots of improvements - [inotify] Return from ``InotifyEmitter.queue_events()`` if not launched when thread is inactive (`#963 `__) - [tests] Stability improvements - [utils] Remove handling of ``threading.Event.isSet`` spelling (`#962 `__) - [watchmedo] Fixed tricks YAML generation (`#965 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @kurtmckee, @altendky, @agroszer, @BoboTiG 2.3.1 ~~~~~ 2023-02-28 • `full history `__ - Run ``black`` on the entire source code - Bundle the ``requirements-tests.txt`` file in the source distribution (`#939 `__) - [watchmedo] Exclude ``FileOpenedEvent`` events from ``AutoRestartTrick``, and ``ShellCommandTrick``, to restore watchdog < 2.3.0 behavior. A better solution should be found in the future. (`#949 `__) - [watchmedo] Log ``FileOpenedEvent``, and ``FileClosedEvent``, events in ``LoggerTrick`` - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG 2.3.0 ~~~~~ 2023-02-23 • `full history `__ - [inotify] Add support for ``IN_OPEN`` events: a ``FileOpenedEvent`` event will be fired (`#941 `__) - [watchmedo] Add optional event debouncing for ``auto-restart``, only restarting once if many events happen in quick succession (``--debounce-interval``) (`#940 `__) - [watchmedo] Exit gracefully on ``KeyboardInterrupt`` exception (Ctrl+C) (`#945 `__) - [watchmedo] Add option to not auto-restart the command after it exits (``--no-restart-on-command-exit``) (`#946 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @dstaple, @taleinat, @cernekj 2.2.1 ~~~~~ 2023-01-01 • `full history `__ - Enable ``mypy`` to discover type hints as specified in PEP 561 (`#933 `__) - [ci] Set the expected Python version when building release files - [ci] Update actions versions in use - [watchmedo] [regression] Fix usage of missing ``signal.SIGHUP`` attribute on non-Unix OSes (`#935 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @simon04, @piotrpdev 2.2.0 ~~~~~ 2022-12-05 • `full history `__ - [build] Wheels are now available for Python 3.11 (`#932 `__) - [documentation] HTML documentation builds are now tested for errors (`#902 `__) - [documentation] Fix typos here, and there (`#910 `__) - [fsevents2] The ``fsevents2`` observer is now deprecated (`#909 `__) - [tests] The error message returned by musl libc for error code ``-1`` is now allowed (`#923 `__) - [utils] Remove unnecessary code in ```` (`#930 `__) - [watchmedo] Handle shutdown events from ``SIGHUP`` (`#912 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @kurtmckee, @babymastodon, @QuantumEnergyE, @timgates42, @BoboTiG 2.1.9 ~~~~~ 2022-06-10 • `full history `__ - [fsevents] Fix flakey test to assert that there are no errors when stopping the emitter. - [inotify] Suppress occasional ``OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor`` at shutdown. (`#805 `__) - [watchmedo] Make ``auto-restart`` restart the sub-process if it terminates. (`#896 `__) - [watchmedo] Avoid zombie sub-processes when running ``shell-command`` without ``--wait``. (`#405 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @samschott, @taleinat, @altendky, @BoboTiG 2.1.8 ~~~~~ 2022-05-15 • `full history `__ - Fix adding failed emitters on observer schedule. (`#872 `__) - [inotify] Fix hang when unscheduling watch on a path in an unmounted filesystem. (`#869 `__) - [watchmedo] Fix broken parsing of ``--kill-after`` argument for the ``auto-restart`` command. (`#870 `__) - [watchmedo] Fix broken parsing of boolean arguments. (`#887 `__) - [watchmedo] Fix broken parsing of commands from ``auto-restart``, and ``shell-command``. (`#888 `__) - [watchmedo] Support setting verbosity level via ``-q/--quiet`` and ``-v/--verbose`` arguments. (`#889 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @taleinat, @kianmeng, @palfrey, @IlayRosenberg, @BoboTiG 2.1.7 ~~~~~ 2022-03-25 • `full history `__ - Eliminate timeout in waiting on event queue. (`#861 `__) - [inotify] Fix ``not`` equality implementation for ``InotifyEvent``. (`#848 `__) - [watchmedo] Fix calling commands from within a Python script. (`#879 `__) - [watchmedo] ``PyYAML`` is loaded only when strictly necessary. Simple usages of ``watchmedo`` are possible without the module being installed. (`#847 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @sattlerc, @JanzenLiu, @BoboTiG 2.1.6 ~~~~~ 2021-10-01 • `full history `__ - [bsd] Fixed returned paths in ```` and restored the overall results of the test suite. (`#842 `__) - [bsd] Updated FreeBSD CI support .(`#841 `__) - [watchmedo] Removed the ``argh`` dependency in favor of the builtin ``argparse`` module. (`#836 `__) - [watchmedo] Removed unexistant ``WindowsApiAsyncObserver`` references and ``--debug-force-winapi-async`` arguments. - [watchmedo] Improved the help output. - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @knobix, @AndreaRe9, @BoboTiG 2.1.5 ~~~~~ 2021-08-23 • `full history `__ - Fix regression introduced in 2.1.4 (reverted "Allow overriding or adding custom event handlers to event dispatch map. (`#814 `__)"). (`#830 `__) - Convert regexes of type ``str`` to ``list``. (`831 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @unique1o1, @BoboTiG 2.1.4 ~~~~~ 2021-08-19 • `full history `__ - [watchmedo] Fix usage of ``os.setsid()`` and ``os.killpg()`` Unix-only functions. (`#809 `__) - [mac] Fix missing ``FileModifiedEvent`` on permission or ownership changes of a file. (`#815 `__) - [mac] Convert absolute watch path in ``FSEeventsEmitter`` with ``os.path.realpath()``. (`#822 `__) - Fix a possible ``AttributeError`` in ``SkipRepeatsQueue._put()``. (`#818 `__) - Allow overriding or adding custom event handlers to event dispatch map. (`#814 `__) - Fix tests on big endian platforms. (`#828 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @replabrobin, @BoboTiG, @SamSchott, @AndreiB97, @NiklasRosenstein, @ikokollari, @mgorny 2.1.3 ~~~~~ 2021-06-26 • `full history `__ - Publish macOS ``arm64`` and ``universal2`` wheels. (`#740 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @kainjow, @BoboTiG 2.1.2 ~~~~~ 2021-05-19 • `full history `__ - [mac] Fix relative path handling for non-recursive watch. (`#797 `__) - [windows] On PyPy, events happening right after ``start()`` were missed. Add a workaround for that. (`#796 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @oprypin, @CCP-Aporia, @BoboTiG 2.1.1 ~~~~~ 2021-05-10 • `full history `__ - [mac] Fix callback exceptions when the watcher is deleted but still receiving events (`#786 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @rom1win, @BoboTiG, @CCP-Aporia 2.1.0 ~~~~~ 2021-05-04 • `full history `__ - [inotify] Simplify ``libc`` loading (`#776 `__) - [mac] Add support for non-recursive watches in ``FSEventsEmitter`` (`#779 `__) - [watchmedo] Add support for ``--debug-force-*`` arguments to ``tricks`` (`#781 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @CCP-Aporia, @aodj, @UnitedMarsupials, @BoboTiG 2.0.3 ~~~~~ 2021-04-22 • `full history `__ - [mac] Use ``logger.debug()`` instead of ```` (`#774 `__) - Updated documentation links (`#777 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @globau, @imba-tjd, @BoboTiG 2.0.2 ~~~~~ 2021-02-22 • `full history `__ - [mac] Add missing exception objects (`#766 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @CCP-Aporia, @BoboTiG 2.0.1 ~~~~~ 2021-02-17 • `full history `__ - [mac] Fix a segmentation fault when dealing with unicode paths (`#763 `__) - Moved the CI from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions (`#764 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @SamSchott, @BoboTiG 2.0.0 ~~~~~ 2021-02-11 • `full history `__ - Avoid deprecated ``PyEval_InitThreads`` on Python 3.7+ (`#746 `__) - [inotify] Add support for ``IN_CLOSE_WRITE`` events. A ``FileCloseEvent`` event will be fired. Note that ``IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE`` events are not handled to prevent much noise. (`#184 `__, `#245 `__, `#280 `__, `#313 `__, `#690 `__) - [inotify] Allow to stop the emitter multiple times (`#760 `__) - [mac] Support coalesced filesystem events (`#734 `__) - [mac] Drop support for macOS 10.12 and earlier (`#750 `__) - [mac] Fix an issue when renaming an item changes only the casing (`#750 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @bstaletic, @lukassup, @ysard, @SamSchott, @CCP-Aporia, @BoboTiG 1.0.2 ~~~~~ 2020-12-18 • `full history `__ - Wheels are published for GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows (`#739 `__) - [mac] Fix missing ``event_id`` attribute in ``fsevents`` (`#721 `__) - [mac] Return byte paths if a byte path was given in ``fsevents`` (`#726 `__) - [mac] Add compatibility with old macOS versions (`#733 `__) - Uniformize event for deletion of watched dir (`#727 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @SamSchott, @CCP-Aporia, @di, @BoboTiG 1.0.1 ~~~~~ 2020-12-10 • Fix version with good metadatas. 1.0.0 ~~~~~ 2020-12-10 • `full history `__ - Versioning is now following the `semver `__ - Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5 - [mac] Regression fixes for native ``fsevents`` (`#717 `__) - [windows] ``winapi.BUFFER_SIZE`` now defaults to ``64000`` (instead of ``2048``) (`#700 `__) - [windows] Introduced ``winapi.PATH_BUFFER_SIZE`` (defaults to ``2048``) to keep the old behavior with path-realted functions (`#700 `__) - Use ``pathlib`` from the standard library, instead of pathtools (`#556 `__) - Allow file paths on Unix that don't follow the file system encoding (`#703 `__) - Removed the long-time deprecated ``events.LoggingFileSystemEventHandler`` class, use ``LoggingEventHandler`` instead - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @SamSchott, @bstaletic, @BoboTiG, @CCP-Aporia 0.10.4 ~~~~~~ 2020-11-21 • `full history `__ - Add ``logger`` parameter for the ``LoggingEventHandler`` (`#676 `__) - Replace mutable default arguments with ``if None`` implementation (`#677 `__) - Expand tests to Python 2.7 and 3.5-3.10 for GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows - [mac] Performance improvements for the ``fsevents`` module (`#680 `__) - [mac] Prevent compilation of ``watchdog_fsevents.c`` on non-macOS machines (`#687 `__) - [watchmedo] Handle shutdown events from ``SIGTERM`` and ``SIGINT`` more reliably (`#693 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @Sraw, @CCP-Aporia, @BoboTiG, @maybe-sybr 0.10.3 ~~~~~~ 2020-06-25 • `full history `__ - Ensure ``ObservedWatch.path`` is a string (`#651 `__) - [inotify] Allow to monitor single file (`#655 `__) - [inotify] Prevent raising an exception when a file in a monitored folder has no permissions (`#669 `__, `#670 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @brant-ruan, @rec, @andfoy, @BoboTiG 0.10.2 ~~~~~~ 2020-02-08 • `full history `__ - Fixed the ``build_ext`` command on macOS Catalina (`#628 `__) - Fixed the installation of macOS requirements on non-macOS OSes (`#635 `__) - Refactored ``dispatch()`` method of ``FileSystemEventHandler``, ``PatternMatchingEventHandler`` and ``RegexMatchingEventHandler`` - [bsd] Improved tests support on non Windows/Linux platforms (`#633 `__, `#639 `__) - [bsd] Added FreeBSD CI support (`#532 `__) - [bsd] Restored full support (`#638 `__, `#641 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @evilham, @danilobellini 0.10.1 ~~~~~~ 2020-01-30 • `full history `__ - Fixed Python 2.7 to 3.6 installation when the OS locale is set to POSIX (`#615 `__) - Fixed the ``build_ext`` command on macOS (`#618 `__, `#620 `__) - Moved requirements to ``setup.cfg`` (`#617 `__) - [mac] Removed old C code for Python 2.5 in the `fsevents` C implementation - [snapshot] Added ``EmptyDirectorySnapshot`` (`#613 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @Ajordat, @tehkirill, @BoboTiG 0.10.0 ~~~~~~ 2020-01-26 • `full history `__ **Breaking Changes** - Dropped support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3 - Emitters that failed to start are now removed - [snapshot] Removed the deprecated ``walker_callback`` argument, use ``stat`` instead - [watchmedo] The utility is no more installed by default but via the extra ``watchdog[watchmedo]`` **Other Changes** - Fixed several Python 3 warnings - Identify synthesized events with ``is_synthetic`` attribute (`#369 `__) - Use ``os.scandir()`` to improve memory usage (`#503 `__) - [bsd] Fixed flavors of FreeBSD detection (`#529 `__) - [bsd] Skip unprocessable socket files (`#509 `__) - [inotify] Fixed events containing non-ASCII characters (`#516 `__) - [inotify] Fixed the way ``OSError`` are re-raised (`#377 `__) - [inotify] Fixed wrong source path after renaming a top level folder (`#515 `__) - [inotify] Removed delay from non-move events (`#477 `__) - [mac] Fixed a bug when calling ``FSEventsEmitter.stop()`` twice (`#466 `__) - [mac] Support for unscheduling deleted watch (`#541 `__) - [mac] Fixed missing field initializers and unused parameters in ``watchdog_fsevents.c`` - [snapshot] Don't walk directories without read permissions (`#408 `__) - [snapshot] Fixed a race condition crash when a directory is swapped for a file (`#513 `__) - [snasphot] Fixed an ``AttributeError`` about forgotten ``path_for_inode`` attr (`#436 `__) - [snasphot] Added the ``ignore_device=False`` parameter to the ctor (`597 `__) - [watchmedo] Fixed the path separator used (`#478 `__) - [watchmedo] Fixed the use of ``yaml.load()`` for ``yaml.safe_load()`` (`#453 `__) - [watchmedo] Handle all available signals (`#549 `__) - [watchmedo] Added the ``--debug-force-polling`` argument (`#404 `__) - [windows] Fixed issues when the observed directory is deleted (`#570 `__ and `#601 `__) - [windows] ``WindowsApiEmitter`` made easier to subclass (`#344 `__) - [windows] Use separate ctypes DLL instances - [windows] Generate sub created events only if ``recursive=True`` (`#454 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @BoboTiG, @LKleinNux, @rrzaripov, @wildmichael, @TauPan, @segevfiner, @petrblahos, @QuantumEnergyE, @jeffwidman, @kapsh, @nickoala, @petrblahos, @julianolf, @tonybaloney, @mbakiev, @pR0Ps, javaguirre, @skurfer, @exarkun, @joshuaskelly, @danilobellini, @Ajordat 0.9.0 ~~~~~ 2018-08-28 • `full history `__ - Deleting the observed directory now emits a ``DirDeletedEvent`` event - [bsd] Improved the platform detection (`#378 `__) - [inotify] Fixed a crash when the root directory being watched by was deleted (`#374 `__) - [inotify] Handle systems providing uClibc - [linux] Fixed a possible ``DirDeletedEvent`` duplication when deleting a directory - [mac] Fixed unicode path handling ```` (`#298 `__) - [watchmedo] Added the ``--debug-force-polling`` argument (`#336 `__) - [windows] Fixed the ``FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY`` constant (`#376 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @vulpeszerda, @hpk42, @tamland, @senden9, @gorakhargosh, @nolsto, @mafrosis, @DonyorM, @anthrotype, @danilobellini, @pierregr, @ShinNoNoir, @adrpar, @gforcada, @pR0Ps, @yegorich, @dhke 0.8.3 ~~~~~ 2015-02-11 • `full history `__ - Fixed the use of the root logger (`#274 `__) - [inotify] Refactored libc loading and improved error handling in ```` - [inotify] Fixed a possible unbound local error in ```` - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @mmorearty, @tamland, @tony, @gorakhargosh 0.8.2 ~~~~~ 2014-10-29 • `full history `__ - Event emitters are no longer started on schedule if ``Observer`` is not already running - [mac] Fixed usued arguments to pass clang compilation (`#265 `__) - [snapshot] Fixed a possible race condition crash on directory deletion (`#281 `__) - [windows] Fixed an error when watching the same folder again (`#270 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @tamland, @apetrone, @Falldog, @theospears 0.8.1 ~~~~~ 2014-07-28 • `full history `__ - Fixed ``anon_inode`` descriptors leakage (`#249 `__) - [inotify] Fixed thread stop dead lock (`#250 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @Witos, @adiroiban, @tamland 0.8.0 ~~~~~ 2014-07-02 • `full history `__ - Fixed ``argh`` deprecation warnings (`#242 `__) - [snapshot] Methods returning internal stats info were replaced by ``mtime()``, ``inode()`` and ``path()`` methods - [snapshot] Deprecated the ``walker_callback`` argument - [watchmedo] Fixed ``auto-restart`` to terminate all children processes (`#225 `__) - [watchmedo] Added the ``--no-parallel`` argument (`#227 `__) - [windows] Fixed the value of ``INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE`` (`#123 `__) - [windows] Fixed octal usages to work with Python 3 as well (`#223 `__) - Thanks to our beloved contributors: @tamland, @Ormod, @berdario, @cro, @BernieSumption, @pypingou, @gotcha, @tommorris, @frewsxcv