""" Tabbed. pymdownx.tabbed MIT license. Copyright (c) 2017 Isaac Muse Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from markdown import Extension from markdown.blockprocessors import BlockProcessor from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor from markdown.extensions import toc import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import re import html HEADERS = {'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'} class TabbedProcessor(BlockProcessor): """Tabbed block processor.""" START = re.compile( r'(?:^|\n)={3}(\+|\+!|!\+|!)? +"(.*?)" *(?:\n|$)' ) COMPRESS_SPACES = re.compile(r' {2,}') def __init__(self, parser, config): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(parser) self.tab_group_count = 0 self.current_sibling = None self.content_indention = 0 self.alternate_style = config['alternate_style'] self.slugify = callable(config['slugify']) def detab_by_length(self, text, length): """Remove a tab from the front of each line of the given text.""" newtext = [] lines = text.split('\n') for line in lines: if line.startswith(' ' * length): newtext.append(line[length:]) elif not line.strip(): newtext.append('') # pragma: no cover else: break return '\n'.join(newtext), '\n'.join(lines[len(newtext):]) def parse_content(self, parent, block): """ Get sibling tab. Retrieve the appropriate sibling element. This can get tricky when dealing with lists. """ old_block = block non_tabs = '' tabbed_set = 'tabbed-set' if not self.alternate_style else 'tabbed-set tabbed-alternate' # We already acquired the block via test if self.current_sibling is not None: sibling = self.current_sibling block, non_tabs = self.detab_by_length(block, self.content_indent) self.current_sibling = None self.content_indent = 0 return sibling, block, non_tabs sibling = self.lastChild(parent) if sibling is None or sibling.tag.lower() != 'div' or sibling.attrib.get('class', '') != tabbed_set: sibling = None else: # If the last child is a list and the content is indented sufficient # to be under it, then the content's is sibling is in the list. if self.alternate_style: last_child = self.lastChild(self.lastChild(sibling)) tabbed_content = 'tabbed-block' else: last_child = self.lastChild(sibling) tabbed_content = 'tabbed-content' child_class = last_child.attrib.get('class', '') if last_child is not None else '' indent = 0 while last_child is not None: if ( sibling is not None and block.startswith(' ' * self.tab_length * 2) and last_child is not None and ( last_child.tag in ('ul', 'ol', 'dl') or ( last_child.tag == 'div' and child_class == tabbed_content ) ) ): # Handle nested tabbed content if last_child.tag == 'div' and child_class == tabbed_content: temp_child = self.lastChild(last_child) if temp_child is None or temp_child.tag not in ('ul', 'ol', 'dl'): break last_child = temp_child child_class = last_child.attrib.get('class', '') if last_child is not None else '' # The expectation is that we'll find an `
  • `. # We should get it's last child as well. sibling = self.lastChild(last_child) last_child = self.lastChild(sibling) if sibling is not None else None child_class = last_child.attrib.get('class', '') if last_child is not None else '' # Context has been lost at this point, so we must adjust the # text's indentation level so it will be evaluated correctly # under the list. block = block[self.tab_length:] indent += self.tab_length else: last_child = None if not block.startswith(' ' * self.tab_length): sibling = None if sibling is not None: indent += self.tab_length block, non_tabs = self.detab_by_length(old_block, indent) self.current_sibling = sibling self.content_indent = indent return sibling, block, non_tabs def test(self, parent, block): """Test block.""" if self.START.search(block): return True else: return self.parse_content(parent, block)[0] is not None def run(self, parent, blocks): """Convert to tabbed block.""" block = blocks.pop(0) m = self.START.search(block) tabbed_set = 'tabbed-set' if not self.alternate_style else 'tabbed-set tabbed-alternate' if m: # removes the first line if m.start() > 0: self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, [block[:m.start()]]) block = block[m.end():] sibling = self.lastChild(parent) block, non_tabs = self.detab(block) else: sibling, block, non_tabs = self.parse_content(parent, block) if m: special = m.group(1) if m.group(1) else '' title = m.group(2) if m.group(2) else m.group(3) index = 0 labels = None content = None if ( sibling is not None and sibling.tag.lower() == 'div' and sibling.attrib.get('class', '') == tabbed_set and '!' not in special ): first = False tab_group = sibling if self.alternate_style: index = [index for index, _ in enumerate(tab_group.findall('input'), 1)][-1] for d in tab_group.findall('div'): if d.attrib['class'] == 'tabbed-labels': labels = d elif d.attrib['class'] == 'tabbed-content': content = d if labels is not None and content is not None: break else: first = True self.tab_group_count += 1 tab_group = etree.SubElement( parent, 'div', {'class': tabbed_set, 'data-tabs': '%d:0' % self.tab_group_count} ) if self.alternate_style: labels = etree.SubElement( tab_group, 'div', {'class': 'tabbed-labels'} ) content = etree.SubElement( tab_group, 'div', {'class': 'tabbed-content'} ) data = tab_group.attrib['data-tabs'].split(':') tab_set = int(data[0]) tab_count = int(data[1]) + 1 attributes = { "name": "__tabbed_%d" % tab_set, "type": "radio" } if not self.slugify: attributes['id'] = "__tabbed_%d_%d" % (tab_set, tab_count) if first or '+' in special: attributes['checked'] = 'checked' # Remove any previously assigned "checked states" to siblings for i in tab_group.findall('input'): if i.attrib.get('name', '') == f'__tabbed_{tab_set}': if 'checked' in i.attrib: del i.attrib['checked'] attributes2 = {"for": "__tabbed_%d_%d" % (tab_set, tab_count)} if not self.slugify else {} if self.alternate_style: input_el = etree.Element( 'input', attributes ) tab_group.insert(index, input_el) lab = etree.SubElement( labels, "label", attributes2 ) lab.text = title div = etree.SubElement( content, "div", {'class': 'tabbed-block'} ) else: etree.SubElement( tab_group, 'input', attributes ) lab = etree.SubElement( tab_group, "label", attributes2 ) lab.text = title div = etree.SubElement( tab_group, "div", { "class": "tabbed-content" } ) tab_group.attrib['data-tabs'] = '%d:%d' % (tab_set, tab_count) else: if sibling.tag in ('li', 'dd') and sibling.text: # Sibling is a list item, but we need to wrap it's content should be wrapped in

    text = sibling.text sibling.text = '' p = etree.SubElement(sibling, 'p') p.text = text div = sibling elif sibling.tag == 'div' and sibling.attrib.get('class', '') == tabbed_set: # Get `tabbed-content` under `tabbed-set` if self.alternate_style: div = self.lastChild(self.lastChild(sibling)) else: div = self.lastChild(sibling) else: # Pass anything else as the parent div = sibling self.parser.parseChunk(div, block) if non_tabs: # Insert the tabbed content back into blocks blocks.insert(0, non_tabs) class TabbedTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor): """Tab tree processor.""" def __init__(self, md, config): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(md) self.slugify = config["slugify"] self.alternate = config["alternate_style"] self.sep = config["separator"] self.combine_header_slug = config["combine_header_slug"] def get_parent_header_slug(self, root, header_map, parent_map, el): """Attempt retrieval of parent header slug.""" parent = el last_parent = parent while parent is not root: last_parent = parent parent = parent_map[parent] if parent in header_map: headers = header_map[parent] header = None for i in list(parent): if i is el and header is None: break if i is last_parent: return header.attrib.get("id", '') if i in headers: header = i return '' def run(self, doc): """Update tab IDs.""" # Get a list of id attributes used_ids = set() parent_map = {} header_map = {} if self.combine_header_slug: parent_map = {c: p for p in doc.iter() for c in p} for el in doc.iter(): if "id" in el.attrib: if self.combine_header_slug and el.tag in HEADERS: parent = parent_map[el] if parent in header_map: header_map[parent].append(el) else: header_map[parent] = [el] used_ids.add(el.attrib["id"]) for el in doc.iter(): if isinstance(el.tag, str) and el.tag.lower() == 'div': classes = el.attrib.get('class', '').split() if 'tabbed-set' in classes and (not self.alternate or 'tabbed-alternate' in classes): inputs = [] labels = [] if self.alternate: for i in list(el): if i.tag == 'input': inputs.append(i) if i.tag == 'div' and i.attrib.get('class', '') == 'tabbed-labels': labels = [j for j in list(i) if j.tag == 'label'] else: for i in list(el): if i.tag == 'input': inputs.append(i) if i.tag == 'label': labels.append(i) # Generate slugged IDs for inpt, label in zip(inputs, labels): innerhtml = toc.render_inner_html(toc.remove_fnrefs(label), self.md) innertext = html.unescape(toc.strip_tags(innerhtml)) if self.combine_header_slug: parent_slug = self.get_parent_header_slug(doc, header_map, parent_map, el) else: parent_slug = '' slug = self.slugify(innertext, self.sep) if parent_slug: slug = parent_slug + self.sep + slug slug = toc.unique(slug, used_ids) inpt.attrib["id"] = slug label.attrib["for"] = slug class TabbedExtension(Extension): """Add Tabbed extension.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize.""" self.config = { 'alternate_style': [False, "Use alternate style - Default: False"], 'slugify': [0, "Slugify function used to create tab specific IDs - Default: None"], 'combine_header_slug': [False, "Combine the tab slug with the slug of the parent header - Default: False"], 'separator': ['-', "Slug separator - Default: '-'"] } super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def extendMarkdown(self, md): """Add Tabbed to Markdown instance.""" md.registerExtension(self) config = self.getConfigs() self.tab_processor = TabbedProcessor(md.parser, config) md.parser.blockprocessors.register(self.tab_processor, "tabbed", 105) if config['slugify']: slugs = TabbedTreeprocessor(md, config) md.treeprocessors.register(slugs, 'tab_slugs', 4) def reset(self): """Reset.""" self.tab_processor.tab_group_count = 0 def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs): """Return extension.""" return TabbedExtension(*args, **kwargs)