""" Critic. pymdownx.critic Parses critic markup and outputs the file in a more visual HTML. Must be the last extension loaded. MIT license. Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Isaac Muse Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from markdown import Extension from markdown.preprocessors import Preprocessor from markdown.postprocessors import Postprocessor from markdown.util import STX, ETX import re SOH = '\u0001' # start EOT = '\u0004' # end CRITIC_KEY = "czjqqkd:%s" CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER = CRITIC_KEY % r'[0-9]+' SINGLE_CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER = r'{stx}(?P{key}){etx}'.format( key=CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER, stx=STX, etx=ETX ) CRITIC_PLACEHOLDERS = r'''(?x) (?: (?P\(?P(?:{stx}{key}{etx})+)\) | {single} ) '''.format( key=CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER, single=SINGLE_CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER, stx=STX, etx=ETX ) ALL_CRITICS = r'''(?x) ((?P(?P\{) (?: (?P\+{2}) (?P.*?) (?P\+{2}) | (?P\-{2}) (?P.*?) (?P\-{2}) | (?P\={2}) (?P.*?) (?P\={2}) | (?P (?P\>{2}) (?P.*?) (?P\<{2}) ) | (?P\~{2}) (?P.*?) (?P\~\>) (?P.*?) (?P\~{2}) ) (?P\}))) ''' RE_CRITIC = re.compile(ALL_CRITICS, re.DOTALL) RE_CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(CRITIC_PLACEHOLDERS) RE_CRITIC_SUB_PLACEHOLDER = re.compile(SINGLE_CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER) RE_CRITIC_BLOCK = re.compile(r'((?:ins|del|mark)\s+)(class=([\'"]))(.*?)(\3)') RE_BLOCK_SEP = re.compile(r'^(?:\r?\n){2,}$') class CriticStash: """Stash critic marks until ready.""" def __init__(self, stash_key): """Initialize.""" self.stash_key = stash_key self.stash = {} self.count = 0 def __len__(self): # pragma: no cover """Get length of stash.""" return len(self.stash) def get(self, key, default=None): """Get the specified item from the stash.""" code = self.stash.get(key, default) return code def remove(self, key): # pragma: no cover """Remove the specified item from the stash.""" del self.stash[key] def store(self, code): """ Store the code in the stash with the placeholder. Return placeholder. """ key = self.stash_key % str(self.count) self.stash[key] = code self.count += 1 return SOH + key + EOT def clear(self): """Clear the stash.""" self.stash = {} self.count = 0 class CriticsPostprocessor(Postprocessor): """Handle cleanup on post process for viewing critic marks.""" def __init__(self, critic_stash): """Initialize.""" super().__init__() self.critic_stash = critic_stash def subrestore(self, m): """Replace all critic tags in the paragraph block `

(critic del close)(critic ins close)

` etc.""" content = None key = m.group('key') if key is not None: content = self.critic_stash.get(key) return content def block_edit(self, m): """Handle block edits.""" if 'break' in m.group(4).split(' '): return m.group(0) else: return m.group(1) + m.group(2) + m.group(4) + ' block' + m.group(5) def restore(self, m): """Replace placeholders with actual critic tags.""" content = None if m.group('block_keys') is not None: content = RE_CRITIC_SUB_PLACEHOLDER.sub( self.subrestore, m.group('block_keys') ) if content is not None: content = RE_CRITIC_BLOCK.sub(self.block_edit, content) else: text = self.critic_stash.get(m.group('key')) if text is not None: content = text return content if content is not None else m.group(0) def run(self, text): """Replace critic placeholders.""" text = RE_CRITIC_PLACEHOLDER.sub(self.restore, text) return text class CriticViewPreprocessor(Preprocessor): """Handle viewing critic marks in Markdown content.""" def __init__(self, critic_stash): """Initialize.""" super().__init__() self.critic_stash = critic_stash def _ins(self, text): """Handle critic inserts.""" if RE_BLOCK_SEP.match(text): return '\n\n%s\n\n' % self.critic_stash.store(' ') return ( self.critic_stash.store('') + text + self.critic_stash.store('') ) def _del(self, text): """Handle critic deletes.""" if RE_BLOCK_SEP.match(text): return self.critic_stash.store(' ') return ( self.critic_stash.store('') + text + self.critic_stash.store('') ) def _mark(self, text): """Handle critic marks.""" return ( self.critic_stash.store('') + text + self.critic_stash.store('') ) def _comment(self, text): """Handle critic comments.""" return ( self.critic_stash.store( '' + self.html_escape(text, strip_nl=True) + '' ) ) def critic_view(self, m): """Insert appropriate HTML to tags to visualize Critic marks.""" if m.group('ins_open'): return self._ins(m.group('ins_text')) elif m.group('del_open'): return self._del(m.group('del_text')) elif m.group('sub_open'): return ( self._del(m.group('sub_del_text')) + self._ins(m.group('sub_ins_text')) ) elif m.group('mark_open'): return self._mark(m.group('mark_text')) elif m.group('com_open'): return self._comment(m.group('com_text')) def critic_parse(self, m): """ Normal critic parser. Either removes accepted or rejected critic marks and replaces with the opposite. Comments are removed and marks are replaced with their content. """ accept = self.config["mode"] == 'accept' if m.group('ins_open'): return m.group('ins_text') if accept else '' elif m.group('del_open'): return '' if accept else m.group('del_text') elif m.group('mark_open'): return m.group('mark_text') elif m.group('com_open'): return '' elif m.group('sub_open'): return m.group('sub_ins_text') if accept else m.group('sub_del_text') def html_escape(self, txt, strip_nl=False): """Basic html escaping.""" txt = txt.replace('&', '&') txt = txt.replace('<', '<') txt = txt.replace('>', '>') txt = txt.replace('"', '"') txt = txt.replace("\n", "
" if not strip_nl else ' ') return txt def run(self, lines): """Process critic marks.""" # Determine processor type to use if self.config['mode'] == "view": processor = self.critic_view else: processor = self.critic_parse # Find and process critic marks text = RE_CRITIC.sub(processor, '\n'.join(lines)) return text.split('\n') class CriticExtension(Extension): """Critic extension.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize.""" self.config = { 'mode': ['view', "Critic mode to run in ('view', 'accept', or 'reject') - Default: view "], 'raw_view': [False, "Raw view keeps the output as the raw markup for view mode - Default False"] } super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def extendMarkdown(self, md): """Register the extension.""" md.registerExtension(self) self.critic_stash = CriticStash(CRITIC_KEY) post = CriticsPostprocessor(self.critic_stash) critic = CriticViewPreprocessor(self.critic_stash) critic.config = self.getConfigs() md.preprocessors.register(critic, "critic", 31.1) md.postprocessors.register(post, "critic-post", 25) md.registerExtensions(["pymdownx._bypassnorm"], {}) def reset(self): """Clear stash.""" self.critic_stash.clear() def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs): """Return extension.""" return CriticExtension(*args, **kwargs)