""" pygments.styles.rainbow_dash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bright and colorful syntax highlighting `theme`. .. _theme: http://sanssecours.github.io/Rainbow-Dash.tmbundle :copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from pygments.style import Style from pygments.token import Comment, Error, Generic, Name, Number, Operator, \ String, Text, Whitespace, Keyword __all__ = ['RainbowDashStyle'] BLUE_LIGHT = '#0080ff' BLUE = '#2c5dcd' GREEN = '#00cc66' GREEN_LIGHT = '#ccffcc' GREEN_NEON = '#00cc00' GREY = '#aaaaaa' GREY_LIGHT = '#cbcbcb' GREY_DARK = '#4d4d4d' PURPLE = '#5918bb' RED = '#cc0000' RED_DARK = '#c5060b' RED_LIGHT = '#ffcccc' RED_BRIGHT = '#ff0000' WHITE = '#ffffff' TURQUOISE = '#318495' ORANGE = '#ff8000' class RainbowDashStyle(Style): """ A bright and colorful syntax highlighting theme. """ name = 'rainbow_dash' background_color = WHITE styles = { Comment: f'italic {BLUE_LIGHT}', Comment.Preproc: 'noitalic', Comment.Special: 'bold', Error: f'bg:{RED} {WHITE}', Generic.Deleted: f'border:{RED_DARK} bg:{RED_LIGHT}', Generic.Emph: 'italic', Generic.Error: RED_BRIGHT, Generic.Heading: f'bold {BLUE}', Generic.Inserted: f'border:{GREEN_NEON} bg:{GREEN_LIGHT}', Generic.Output: GREY, Generic.Prompt: f'bold {BLUE}', Generic.Strong: 'bold', Generic.EmphStrong: 'bold italic', Generic.Subheading: f'bold {BLUE}', Generic.Traceback: RED_DARK, Keyword: f'bold {BLUE}', Keyword.Pseudo: 'nobold', Keyword.Type: PURPLE, Name.Attribute: f'italic {BLUE}', Name.Builtin: f'bold {PURPLE}', Name.Class: 'underline', Name.Constant: TURQUOISE, Name.Decorator: f'bold {ORANGE}', Name.Entity: f'bold {PURPLE}', Name.Exception: f'bold {PURPLE}', Name.Function: f'bold {ORANGE}', Name.Tag: f'bold {BLUE}', Number: f'bold {PURPLE}', Operator: BLUE, Operator.Word: 'bold', String: GREEN, String.Doc: 'italic', String.Escape: f'bold {RED_DARK}', String.Other: TURQUOISE, String.Symbol: f'bold {RED_DARK}', Text: GREY_DARK, Whitespace: GREY_LIGHT }