""" pygments.lexers.kusto ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for Kusto Query Language (KQL). :copyright: Copyright 2006-2024 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, words from pygments.token import (Comment, Keyword, Name, Number, Punctuation, String, Whitespace) __all__ = ["KustoLexer"] # Although these all seem to be keywords # https://github.com/microsoft/Kusto-Query-Language/blob/master/src/Kusto.Language/Syntax/SyntaxFacts.cs # it appears that only the ones with tags here # https://github.com/microsoft/Kusto-Query-Language/blob/master/src/Kusto.Language/Parser/QueryGrammar.cs # are highlighted in the Azure portal log query editor. KUSTO_KEYWORDS = [ 'and', 'as', 'between', 'by', 'consume', 'contains', 'containscs', 'count', 'distinct', 'evaluate', 'extend', 'facet', 'filter', 'find', 'fork', 'getschema', 'has', 'invoke', 'join', 'limit', 'lookup', 'make-series', 'matches regex', 'mv-apply', 'mv-expand', 'notcontains', 'notcontainscs', '!contains', '!has', '!startswith', 'on', 'or', 'order', 'parse', 'parse-where', 'parse-kv', 'partition', 'print', 'project', 'project-away', 'project-keep', 'project-rename', 'project-reorder', 'range', 'reduce', 'regex', 'render', 'sample', 'sample-distinct', 'scan', 'search', 'serialize', 'sort', 'startswith', 'summarize', 'take', 'top', 'top-hitters', 'top-nested', 'typeof', 'union', 'where', 'bool', 'date', 'datetime', 'int', 'long', 'real', 'string', 'time' ] # From # https://github.com/microsoft/Kusto-Query-Language/blob/master/src/Kusto.Language/Syntax/SyntaxFacts.cs KUSTO_PUNCTUATION = [ "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "|", "<|", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", ".." "!", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "=", "==", "!=", "<>", ":", ";", ",", "=~", "!~", "?", "=>", ] class KustoLexer(RegexLexer): """For Kusto Query Language source code. """ name = "Kusto" aliases = ["kql", "kusto"] filenames = ["*.kql", "*.kusto", ".csl"] url = "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query" version_added = '2.17' tokens = { "root": [ (r"\s+", Whitespace), (words(KUSTO_KEYWORDS, suffix=r"\b"), Keyword), (r"//.*", Comment), (words(KUSTO_PUNCTUATION), Punctuation), (r"[^\W\d]\w*", Name), # Numbers can take the form 1, .1, 1., 1.1, 1.1111, etc. (r"\d+[.]\d*|[.]\d+", Number.Float), (r"\d+", Number.Integer), (r"'", String, "single_string"), (r'"', String, "double_string"), (r"@'", String, "single_verbatim"), (r'@"', String, "double_verbatim"), (r"```", String, "multi_string"), ], "single_string": [ (r"'", String, "#pop"), (r"\\.", String.Escape), (r"[^'\\]+", String), ], "double_string": [ (r'"', String, "#pop"), (r"\\.", String.Escape), (r'[^"\\]+', String), ], "single_verbatim": [ (r"'", String, "#pop"), (r"[^']+", String), ], "double_verbatim": [ (r'"', String, "#pop"), (r'[^"]+', String), ], "multi_string": [ (r"[^`]+", String), (r"```", String, "#pop"), (r"`", String), ], }