""" This module provides :class:`.GitIgnoreSpec` which replicates *.gitignore* behavior. """ from typing import ( AnyStr, Callable, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Callable` in 3.9. Iterable, # Replaced by `collections.abc.Iterable` in 3.9. Optional, # Replaced by `X | None` in 3.10. Tuple, # Replaced by `tuple` in 3.9. Type, # Replaced by `type` in 3.9. TypeVar, Union, # Replaced by `X | Y` in 3.10. cast, overload) from .pathspec import ( PathSpec) from .pattern import ( Pattern) from .patterns.gitwildmatch import ( GitWildMatchPattern, _DIR_MARK) from .util import ( _is_iterable) Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="GitIgnoreSpec") """ :class:`GitIgnoreSpec` self type hint to support Python v<3.11 using PEP 673 recommendation. """ class GitIgnoreSpec(PathSpec): """ The :class:`GitIgnoreSpec` class extends :class:`pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec` to replicate *.gitignore* behavior. """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Tests the equality of this gitignore-spec with *other* (:class:`GitIgnoreSpec`) by comparing their :attr:`~pathspec.pattern.Pattern` attributes. A non-:class:`GitIgnoreSpec` will not compare equal. """ if isinstance(other, GitIgnoreSpec): return super().__eq__(other) elif isinstance(other, PathSpec): return False else: return NotImplemented # Support reversed order of arguments from PathSpec. @overload @classmethod def from_lines( cls: Type[Self], pattern_factory: Union[str, Callable[[AnyStr], Pattern]], lines: Iterable[AnyStr], ) -> Self: ... @overload @classmethod def from_lines( cls: Type[Self], lines: Iterable[AnyStr], pattern_factory: Union[str, Callable[[AnyStr], Pattern], None] = None, ) -> Self: ... @classmethod def from_lines( cls: Type[Self], lines: Iterable[AnyStr], pattern_factory: Union[str, Callable[[AnyStr], Pattern], None] = None, ) -> Self: """ Compiles the pattern lines. *lines* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) yields each uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`). This simply has to yield each line so it can be a :class:`io.TextIOBase` (e.g., from :func:`open` or :class:`io.StringIO`) or the result from :meth:`str.splitlines`. *pattern_factory* can be :data:`None`, the name of a registered pattern factory (:class:`str`), or a :class:`~collections.abc.Callable` used to compile patterns. The callable must accept an uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`) and return the compiled pattern (:class:`pathspec.pattern.Pattern`). Default is :data:`None` for :class:`.GitWildMatchPattern`). Returns the :class:`GitIgnoreSpec` instance. """ if pattern_factory is None: pattern_factory = GitWildMatchPattern elif (isinstance(lines, (str, bytes)) or callable(lines)) and _is_iterable(pattern_factory): # Support reversed order of arguments from PathSpec. pattern_factory, lines = lines, pattern_factory self = super().from_lines(pattern_factory, lines) return cast(Self, self) @staticmethod def _match_file( patterns: Iterable[Tuple[int, GitWildMatchPattern]], file: str, ) -> Tuple[Optional[bool], Optional[int]]: """ Check the file against the patterns. .. NOTE:: Subclasses of :class:`~pathspec.pathspec.PathSpec` may override this method as an instance method. It does not have to be a static method. The signature for this method is subject to change. *patterns* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) yields each indexed pattern (:class:`tuple`) which contains the pattern index (:class:`int`) and actual pattern (:class:`~pathspec.pattern.Pattern`). *file* (:class:`str`) is the normalized file path to be matched against *patterns*. Returns a :class:`tuple` containing whether to include *file* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`), and the index of the last matched pattern (:class:`int` or :data:`None`). """ out_include: Optional[bool] = None out_index: Optional[int] = None out_priority = 0 for index, pattern in patterns: if pattern.include is not None: match = pattern.match_file(file) if match is not None: # Pattern matched. # Check for directory marker. dir_mark = match.match.groupdict().get(_DIR_MARK) if dir_mark: # Pattern matched by a directory pattern. priority = 1 else: # Pattern matched by a file pattern. priority = 2 if pattern.include and dir_mark: out_include = pattern.include out_index = index out_priority = priority elif priority >= out_priority: out_include = pattern.include out_index = index out_priority = priority return out_include, out_index