from __future__ import annotations import logging from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, TypeVar from urllib.parse import urlsplit from mkdocs.exceptions import BuildError from mkdocs.structure import StructureItem from mkdocs.structure.files import file_sort_key from mkdocs.structure.pages import Page, _AbsoluteLinksValidationValue from mkdocs.utils import nest_paths if TYPE_CHECKING: from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig from mkdocs.structure.files import Files log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Navigation: def __init__(self, items: list, pages: list[Page]) -> None: self.items = items # Nested List with full navigation of Sections, Pages, and Links. self.pages = pages # Flat List of subset of Pages in nav, in order. self.homepage = None for page in pages: if page.is_homepage: self.homepage = page break homepage: Page | None """The [page][mkdocs.structure.pages.Page] object for the homepage of the site.""" pages: list[Page] """A flat list of all [page][mkdocs.structure.pages.Page] objects contained in the navigation.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return '\n'.join(item._indent_print() for item in self) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: return iter(self.items) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.items) class Section(StructureItem): def __init__(self, title: str, children: list[StructureItem]) -> None: self.title = title self.children = children = False def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{name}(title={self.title!r})" title: str """The title of the section.""" children: list[StructureItem] """An iterable of all child navigation objects. Children may include nested sections, pages and links.""" @property def active(self) -> bool: """ When `True`, indicates that a child page of this section is the current page and can be used to highlight the section as the currently viewed section. Defaults to `False`. """ return self.__active @active.setter def active(self, value: bool): """Set active status of section and ancestors.""" self.__active = bool(value) if self.parent is not None: = bool(value) is_section: bool = True """Indicates that the navigation object is a "section" object. Always `True` for section objects.""" is_page: bool = False """Indicates that the navigation object is a "page" object. Always `False` for section objects.""" is_link: bool = False """Indicates that the navigation object is a "link" object. Always `False` for section objects.""" def _indent_print(self, depth: int = 0) -> str: ret = [super()._indent_print(depth)] for item in self.children: ret.append(item._indent_print(depth + 1)) return '\n'.join(ret) class Link(StructureItem): def __init__(self, title: str, url: str): self.title = title self.url = url def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ title = f"{self.title!r}" if self.title is not None else '[blank]' return f"{name}(title={title}, url={self.url!r})" title: str """The title of the link. This would generally be used as the label of the link.""" url: str """The URL that the link points to. The URL should always be an absolute URLs and should not need to have `base_url` prepended.""" children: None = None """Links do not contain children and the attribute is always `None`.""" active: bool = False """External links cannot be "active" and the attribute is always `False`.""" is_section: bool = False """Indicates that the navigation object is a "section" object. Always `False` for link objects.""" is_page: bool = False """Indicates that the navigation object is a "page" object. Always `False` for link objects.""" is_link: bool = True """Indicates that the navigation object is a "link" object. Always `True` for link objects.""" def get_navigation(files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig) -> Navigation: """Build site navigation from config and files.""" documentation_pages = files.documentation_pages() nav_config = config['nav'] if nav_config is None: documentation_pages = sorted(documentation_pages, key=file_sort_key) nav_config = nest_paths(f.src_uri for f in documentation_pages if f.inclusion.is_in_nav()) items = _data_to_navigation(nav_config, files, config) if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] # Get only the pages from the navigation, ignoring any sections and links. pages = _get_by_type(items, Page) # Include next, previous and parent links. _add_previous_and_next_links(pages) _add_parent_links(items) missing_from_config = [] for file in documentation_pages: if is None: # Any documentation files not found in the nav should still have an associated page, so we # create them here. The Page object will automatically be assigned to `` during # its creation (and this is the only way in which these page objects are accessible). Page(None, file, config) if file.inclusion.is_in_nav(): missing_from_config.append(file.src_path) if missing_from_config: log.log( config.validation.nav.omitted_files, 'The following pages exist in the docs directory, but are not ' 'included in the "nav" configuration:\n - ' + '\n - '.join(missing_from_config), ) links = _get_by_type(items, Link) for link in links: scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(link.url) if scheme or netloc: log.debug(f"An external link to '{link.url}' is included in the 'nav' configuration.") elif ( link.url.startswith('/') and config.validation.nav.absolute_links is not _AbsoluteLinksValidationValue.RELATIVE_TO_DOCS ): log.log( config.validation.nav.absolute_links, f"An absolute path to '{link.url}' is included in the 'nav' " "configuration, which presumably points to an external resource.", ) else: log.log( config.validation.nav.not_found, f"A reference to '{link.url}' is included in the 'nav' " "configuration, which is not found in the documentation files.", ) return Navigation(items, pages) def _data_to_navigation(data, files: Files, config: MkDocsConfig): if isinstance(data, dict): return [ _data_to_navigation((key, value), files, config) if isinstance(value, str) else Section(title=key, children=_data_to_navigation(value, files, config)) for key, value in data.items() ] elif isinstance(data, list): return [ _data_to_navigation(item, files, config)[0] if isinstance(item, dict) and len(item) == 1 else _data_to_navigation(item, files, config) for item in data ] title, path = data if isinstance(data, tuple) else (None, data) lookup_path = path if ( lookup_path.startswith('/') and config.validation.nav.absolute_links is _AbsoluteLinksValidationValue.RELATIVE_TO_DOCS ): lookup_path = lookup_path.lstrip('/') if file := files.get_file_from_path(lookup_path): if file.inclusion.is_excluded(): log.log( min(logging.INFO, config.validation.nav.not_found), f"A reference to '{file.src_path}' is included in the 'nav' " "configuration, but this file is excluded from the built site.", ) page = if page is not None: if not isinstance(page, Page): raise BuildError("A plugin has set to a type other than Page.") return page return Page(title, file, config) return Link(title, path) T = TypeVar('T') def _get_by_type(nav, t: type[T]) -> list[T]: ret = [] for item in nav: if isinstance(item, t): ret.append(item) if item.children: ret.extend(_get_by_type(item.children, t)) return ret def _add_parent_links(nav) -> None: for item in nav: if item.is_section: for child in item.children: child.parent = item _add_parent_links(item.children) def _add_previous_and_next_links(pages: list[Page]) -> None: bookended = [None, *pages, None] zipped = zip(bookended[:-2], pages, bookended[2:]) for page0, page1, page2 in zipped: page1.previous_page, page1.next_page = page0, page2